Friday, April 21, 2017

I love you Emily Dickinson but... 

Hope is a double-edged sword 
That stabs you in the soul 
And kills the thing with feathers 
It is no joke at all.

~ Deannalynn Arzola 

Monday, April 10, 2017


Victims/Survivors of narcissistic abuse have recognized anxiety issues due to being beaten, belittled, socially isolated and forced to lie about what is going on behind closed doors. 
These lifelong issues require medications that treat anxiety and C-PTSD, and they leave the patient tired and discombobulated. Intense psychotherapy is necessary, so as to retrain the patient's brain to think positively and fearlessly. Jobs are extremely difficult to hold down, as being a survivor of this type of abuse is not just a cluster of symptoms; it's who the patient actually IS. 
Where do we go from here? C-PTSD/narcissistic abuse syndrome need to be recognized as a life-minimizing illness and must be covered under the Social Security and Affordable Care Acts, affording the patient a well-rounded healing experience.