Monday, May 15, 2017

Thirteen Reasons Why

So I had the opportunity to binge watch "Thirteen Reasons" over the weekend. It is haunting me, presently. Many things have been said about this thirteen part series on Netflix; some positive, some negative. No one ever really wants to take at look at the ugliness of humanity, most especially when it is our children who are going through some of the darkest parts of evolution. While I would never advocate suicide, especially in teenagers, I do recognize hopelessness, and every single person on this earth best understand what hopelessness looks like, because that's when suicide happens. And hopelessness, by the way, is subjective.
This series is art imitating life with creative licence, but the thing about this story is that this is what our children face every day. And also understand this, I'm not just talking to the parents of a child who is being bullied; I'm talking to the parents of the bullies. Pay attention. You should be able to see that your son is a rapist, for instance.
Nevertheless, watch this show. Watch it back to back. There is no magic here. She is not miraculously saved. She's still dead...

~Deannalynn Arzola.