Monday, November 12, 2012

Today is the first day of the rest of my blog. As I am just beginning this new endeavor, it may seem somewhat generic, however, I am certain that as I continue to learn this craft, this blog will evolve.
My plan for this blog is to share quotes that I enjoy, including a few of my own, great films, beautiful literature, and meaningful music. I also wish to share my thoughts, to get them out of my head and onto "paper". It should be said that in no way do I wish to exact my opinions on anyone. For I am a firm believer that everyone owns the right to share their opinions without recourse, as I myself am a listener, learner, then debater. It is not my intention to castigate anyone's character, infringe upon anyone's copy-write or plagiarize anyone's written word. That being said, here goes:

"For there is nothing more gratifying to the writer than the shaken effect of her reader."

 -Deannalynn Arzola

While I would say that mid-19th century literature is my favorite written word, the language, the allegory, the poetry, one of my favorite modern authors is Stephen King. Mr. King said, "Monsters are real. And ghosts are real, too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win." My interpretation of this quote is that we all have demons within. Personally, I like to consider myself charmed. A witch able to kick demon ass on demand. Of course, this type of slaying takes practice, and learning, and magic, and believe me, it took me several years to learn how to slay my demons, but I did, and that means that it is possible. When we have these demons coming round and  constantly disrupting our daily lives, it alters our true self. We say things we don't mean, hurt people we love, act out in negative ways. Stephen King is obviously one of the most successful horror writers of all time and it would not behoove him to share with us the key to slaying monsters. But in real life, killing the monsters that live inside us is a must. If we are to share our world with one another, which I believe we are to do, and we allow these monsters to prevail, the end result is a misery none of us should have to endure. It takes copious amounts of hard work to change our future from the past we have been handed, but it is well worth the work!!!

"The ninety and nine are with dreams, content but the hope of the world made new, is the hundredth man who is grimly bent on making those dreams come true."
-Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe is the first American writer ever to attempt a living with just his writing. When he could not even afford the cost of the stamp to send his beloved Virginia a letter, he unfortunately had to take work as a literary critic for several weekly newspapers, alienating some of his greatest friends along the way. Friends like Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Nathaniel Hawthorne. For Mr. Poe was grimly bent on making his dreams come true. All be it at the expense of friendship with some of the finest classic writers we cherish to this day. One cannot simply be content that all will be made new, one must attempt to make their dreams come true. Whatever the cost.

"Sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more. Men were deceivers ever. One foot in sea and one on shore, to one thing constant, NEVER!"

-William Shakespeare; Much Ado About Nothing

What is it we women expect of men? And what do they expect of us? This is truly the perpetual question. What did Eve expect of Adam, and he her? One may never know. All I can do is share my own experience with men, deceivers ever. When I met my husband, Dave, I knew right then and there he was my husband. I had waited to meet him all my life. I remember standing in front of the minister on our wedding day thinking, "OK, I don't believe 'God' created the world and all, but, man, as I stand here reciting my vows before my husband, my daughter, this minister, this is most definitely a promise we are making before our own 'Higher Powers'. This shit's for life!!!" But can we really make this promise? Who can promise to love one and only one fifty years into the future? As my life with David progressed, there were times when I loved him more than the first day we met, more than on our wedding day, but there were times when I met people I fell in love with just as much as I did David. Well, there was one person I fell in love with... Anyway, I was faced with a choice. It was not a choice I ever asked to make, but a choice I was faced with none-the-less. I remember lying in this other man's arms in the afterglow of a night at the very same Jersey Shore bar our favorite rock star played in before he ever cut vinyl, and I was this close to forsaking these aforementioned vows when it hit me, how much I really loved my husband. I loved him more than the setting I was in with a man I still love to this day. I loved him so much, I climbed off the lap of my other beloved and said, "Jesus, Ade, I just can't do this. I love him too much.". It wasn't about guilt for me, it was about the love hurdle standing before me, which actually had nothing to do with the vows I had said 9 years prior. Subsequently, after a 15 year romance that is most definitely one for the books, David did cheat on me. It is truly my belief that to one love, we cannot be true indefinitely. It is a promise we cannot make. At the end of the day, it was my immense love for my husband that stopped me from cheating and it should be said that at the end of the very same day, it is that love that kept me from staying with him when he cheated on me. A man cannot be judged for weakness when straying from the arms of his wife. It has nothing to do with strength. It has, however, everything to do with love. I am not here to offer advice to the constituency, only to say that one cannot judge another person's commitment. To one thing constant is a hard thing for anyone to do, hell, Shakespeare knew that 400 years ago. All one can do is judge themselves. Amen

Magic is beautiful, karma is inevitable.

Blessed be...

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