Thursday, June 6, 2013


Webster's defines infatuation as the deprivation of logic. this really true?
 Perhaps over the years society has chosen to switch this definition up a bit. I was thinking about this word recently while daydreaming about this really cute guy at work. Yup, isn't that where it always starts. A scarey thought if I allow myself to really think about the whole situation. Scarey because I met my husband at work. Ex-husband. We spent half our lives together by the time that crazy comet stopped soaring thru our atmosphere. 
   Anyway, I digress. I'm a lot older now. Too old for silly crushes, right? Does our biological clock ever really stop ticking. That funny feeling one gets in her stomach whenever he walks into the room,  that silly stumble that causes him to lose all that pent up confidence he normally walks around with.
While so-called sound judgement seems to escape our logic minds, we ponder this possible hook-up for hours on end. We spend every sneaking moment searching his profile on Google, Twitter and Facebook. We wait, we watch, we learn everything we possibly can about the object of our affection. Hell, we end up knowing that person better than they know themselves. We do this because we're trying to make sense of why that first glance in orientation caused such a cataclysmic supernova inside our soul. In other words, we're trying to make logic of it all.
But what about intuition. What if every road we've walked down led us to this place at the same time and we're actually able to recognize each other? What if all the crazy shit we've done in the past, we did because we somehow knew in the back of our logic minds where we were heading all along?
Saying that infatuation is somehow a lack of judgement is like saying an oxygen tank on a dive is just being hyper cautious or overly prepared. I don't think we can be too vigilant in matters of the heart. For the heart is a mighty organ, tough and sturdy, but as everyone knows, we can't live without it. So why not listen to our still, small voices. What can it hurt?
I don't know, I'm just a girl with an infatuation...

-Deannalynn Arzola

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