Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"The One"

In terms of love and life, what defines the one?
Back in 1992, I met my future husband. He was a beautiful man. He was smart and kind and sweet. He was recently graduated from culinary school and looked so hot in his white chef's coat and black pants. As my degree is in restaurant management, this man quite immediately appeared to be "The One". We fell in love very hard and very fast. Everything about David made me dizzy. We were amazing together, in every regard. He was my best friend, a truly magnificent boyfriend, you know, the kinda guy who takes you on a date in a whole other city, or state, and I knew from the beginning that he would be an excellent father and roll model to my 5 year old daughter. We got married in a little chapel in Vegas, just as he had always wanted to do, and we shared an amazing life. He is the person who bought me my first house and my first new car. He protected me from the monsters and relieved my pain on an exponential level. I remember the day vividly, when it struck me, how much this man was the one. I had to excuse myself from the kitchen to catch my breath. I leaned up against the wall (a pleasure I enjoy to no end these days...) and slid down, as my knees gave out from underneath me. It was at that moment I realized, this man was MY husband.
Needless to say, as I sit here and expound the definition of "The One", my marriage has not survived the time. I guess you could say we fell out of love with each other.
So, here in lies my ponderance...
Was David "The One"?

I believe that at that time, he most certainly was. I've always been one of those people who lives their life in pieces. For instance, I twirled a baton in high school. I was in the band and I played the flute. I haven't picked up either in thirty years. I have been a mom, a wife, a business owner, and, yes, a daughter. The only thing I have carried over with me into my present life is my daughter. She is, however, almost twenty-seven years old and is a wife and mother, herself. As I reflect on my life, thus far, I see it in pieces.
In this piece of my life, I am a single gal, who commits most of her time to her career. I don't even perform the same job duties in this life as I did in the past. In fact, I even live in a part of the country I had never before visited. It's basically a whole new life. As a writer, I should probably refer to said pieces as chapters, so this chapter of my life is vastly different from all the chapters prior.
When I first moved to the Pacific Northwest, I had plenty of time to shed the past and envision the future. I took a Greyhound bus, so as to see this most amazing part of  the country thru the window, frame by frame. Once I passed Mt. Shasta, it was time to consider the future. With no ambivalence, whatsoever, I declared my freedom from all relationships other than that of my dog and myself. After thirty-one years of boyfriends, lovers, fiances and husbands, it was time for me to have a relationship with me. I had no illusions, desires or aspirations of sharing myself with anyone. And I was looking forward to this untapped resource.
Then, one day, as I was minding my own business and living my life, I was stricken hard with that sort of feeling you get when you have deja-vus. Here is this man standing in front of me and I literally felt the current of electricity run through me. It was weird. I have met a few people in my life who I knew from moment one would be in my life forever. These people generally do not make up the pieces of my life. They are still here, however, they are living their own pieces, writing their own stories. But it was love at first site with each of them. And they are the friends that I will always carry with me. This moment in time was a little different. It was kind of a magical thing. I have always believed in reincarnation. In fact, I am sure that the truest loves of my life have been there all my lives. So, I recognized him, immediately. I swear to you, I believed at that moment, he recognized me, too. He has that intuitive quality about him. I wanted to put the breaks on this right away. I had no intention of falling in love with anything other than my beautiful Pacific Northwest. So, being the control freak that I am, I did everything in my power to avoid the situation, entirely. For most people, this is probably a pretty effective method. For me, not so much. I started receiving all these signs from the cosmos. Not from him. Apparently, he was clueless. But from the path of my destiny. His name or home state would pop up in the commission of my work, we would wear the same color on the same day, recognizing him to be like many of my loved ones, I automatically presumed his birthday and astrological sign, which is Scorpio, so low and behold, everywhere I go, I see scorpions. I see them on the ground, I see them on my Facebook page, I see them on tires on trucks. The number eleven, the birth month is everywhere, as well. In fact, if you combine the addresses of the two places I have lived since I met him, they include his birth day, birth month, my birth day, and birth year. These are my houses, for God's sake. These magical little boats that sail directly towards the islands of him are just the tip of the iceberg. The information was giving me migraines on a daily basis and when I could no longer contain the information within me, I had to share it with him. This was an extremely difficult thing for me to do. I fought it every step of the way. When I felt I could keep it to myself no longer, the attempt on my part in the art of communication was so inherently difficult, I almost just got on a plane and flew back to Vegas.
Anyway, I did it. The timing was off. The setting was uncomfortable. The energy was extreme. I was inept. He was young. It was a nightmare.
In the subsequent days and months, I began to believe that I should never have said anything at all. This is a man with allot of pots on the stove. Allot!!! It has been quite a journey. There have been people in both of our corners who have advised against this blessed union. There are a plethora of reasons already in existence that should prevent the furtherance of said union. There have been moments when I questioned my faith, my intuition, my sanity. There was a day when I loudly exclaimed to him that I was moving home. There were days I have cried so hard, I had to excuse myself from society and just cry. There were days I just wanted to die. But I didn't. I moved through each day and every emotion with all the strength I could gather. There are several reasons for my perseverance. For one, those lovely, little aforementioned magical signs have never once ceased to remind me that this man is probably my soul mate. All the while, as we were both living our own lives and doing our own things, he was there, in the background, advancing my life in the most exponential ways. Ways that have brought me the greatest joys I have ever experienced, like Sunday brunches in my shared home with the people I love most, and nights of wicked bourbon and existential conversations by the fire, and birthdays with the people who know my deepest fears. If not for this man, I would not have these memories to comfort me in my twilight. And I mean that. He is directly responsible for my knowing my people and my ability to afford this life I live. Allot of my perseverance lies in my faith that this man is capable of the most intense love there is. I know this of him; he is deep and dark and passionate and self deprecating and scared and lonely and unsure and somehow feels he is unworthy of receiving the same kind of love in return. He makes me want to take him into my arms and comfort him, and enlighten him to this knowledge I have of who he really is. He is kind and I know and trust that he will support me on my causes for as long as I am alive. He is beautiful and smart and uses both sides of his brain. He is creative and business savvy at the same time. He is duplicitous in this respect, and in many respects. He is confident but self loathing, intuitive but clueless (or so he says), loyal and wild. He is amazing and infuriating and funny and sad and eloquent and inarticulate.
When I can feel him thinking about me, my soul feels as if it is on fire. I know that he knows who I am, and I am certain that he appreciates all the things that I am made up of, like my loyalty, my patience, my understanding, and my number one rule in the game of life; "Change your mind, not your people". There is definitely a magical connection there, and that is something that is very important to who I am as a fellow inhabitant of this earth. I believe in magic. I pay attention to the signs, and I love the people who do so, as well, the most.
So, is he "The One"?
I am almost as terrified to disclose my thoughts on this subject as I was to tell him about said signs. In this chapter of my story, he is the one. After everything we have been through, I still love him for exactly who he is, and I always will. And he knows this. And I'm glad he knows, because he deserves this knowledge and no one else on earth deserves to know this about his person more than he does.
He is my "One". Not for the typical crazy infatuation reasons that scare the hell out of most people, but because I understand him, respect him, trust him, appreciate him, and I know that once he is surrounded by someone like that, the feeling of unworthiness I see in him will surely fall away, and that's what it's really all about, anyway. Once you have that person in your life, you want to expound their virtues to everyone in the world. Most of them probably wont understand, but that's okay.

Trust your intuition. Recognize your destiny. Be the best person you can be. And I mean really make an effort to do so. Your "One" will more than likely be the reason that you are. Mine is.
So when you find your person, the one whom you love and respect, unconditionally, perhaps they are not the one, but you are.
And if you are, share this information with them. They sould know...
You never know, or perhaps you do, in return, they WILL be "The One".

-Deannalynn Arzola

Sunday, November 24, 2013

"I'd rather love you obliviously, than hate you empirically."

-DeAnna Lynn Arzola
"I Do Not Love You"

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
So I love you because I know no other way than this: 
where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

-Pablo Neruda
A brief Campaign of sting and sweet
Is plenty! Is enough!

-Emily Dickinson
"I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You"

I do not love you except because I love you;
I go from loving to not loving you,
From waiting to not waiting for you
My heart moves from cold to fire.

I love you only because it's you the one I love;
I hate you deeply, and hating you
Bend to you, and the measure of my changing love for you
Is that I do not see you but love you blindly.

Maybe January light will consume
My heart with its cruel
Ray, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one who dies 
The only one, and I will die of love because I love you,
Because I love you, 
Love, in fire and blood.

Pablo Neruda
Tell me I am different...
I have never encountered anyone like you in my life. I have heard about you. There are people out there who use the gifts they've been given to hurt people, or keep them at bay, or make up to themselves all their perceived wrongs in their life, or perhaps, they do not believe they are worthy of the goodness they are offered. Whatever the case may be, I've only heard about people like you. Generally, they are the people in the news, the monsters who have used their undeniable charm to convince others to do their bidding, the control freaks who finally get caught keeping women locked in the basement, because for one brief moment, they lost a little control, and began to trust their victim, thinking, as you do, said victim would never betray the trust you have given, because they feel they are so indispensable, the victim wouldn't turn them in, they needed their captor too much. There are the Ted Bundys of the world, who use their charm to lure their victims in, only to get off on the power they have, literally in their hands as they are choking the life out of their victim, getting back , in their own despicable way, at the women who have wronged them in the past. Then there are the people out there who hate themselves so much, they feed on the love they are shown by their victims. Without this so-called love, they would die. I suppose there are people in the world who only understand the love they have for themselves. It is themselves that they are in love with, simply incapable of loving anyone else.
Tell me you are different...
This is not the way I see you, but it is all everyone who knows us both sees. I know why you don't love me the way I love you. I am so good, so special, so amazing, so capable of loving my people unconditionally, that the gods would never allow you to love me back. THAT is what would be the death of me. Your love, in return, is what would surely kill me. Is that you, or is that magic. I know your love is a curse. Do you know this, or is it my angels looking out for me because they know that I cannot take one more tragedy. It must be them, because you are unfamiliar with my losses. You've never even attempted to understand what it is that has made the person who is capable of loving you so completely. It is all the loss, and all the wisdom gained from that loss that allows me to see past your indiscretions, and believe in you and trust you, and love you. I have always thought that you would not allow yourself to love me, because you had to keep a certain distance between us. That, for you, and even me, perhaps, it would just be too much. I have thought that you have these superficial relationships with others because those are the relationships that are the easiest for you to control, to handle. And you will not allow yourself to take me in because I'm different. Of course, if that were the case, that would only make me love you more.
I shall try to put this into perspective for you, knowing in my heart that you already know, and with great ambivalence in my doubt that you don't...
In the beginning, I recognized that you were one of them. Those people I let in because I know that they are the ones who will provide me the perpetual love I require to keep my demons at bay. I knew you were one of them, my November people. I have known them all my life and I know they are the only ones worthy of my love because they are the ones who love like I love. I was right about the birthday. I was not right, however, about you. I only saw what I wanted to see. Even though I saw all the signs and all of my people and even your people made it very clear to me who you were. To me. To them. Yes, oh yes, she told me from day one, you were her man. She was able to see my love for you way before you were. I just simply comforted myself with the knowledge I have gained from knowing all the others like you I know. I remember clearly understanding that this was an endeavor that would require a huge amount of time and energy. I knew I would be tested and observed. But I also imagined the reward at the end of that road. You see, I know what it takes to win the heart of my November people. And I realize, empirically, that I will be appreciated for that patience, that depth, that incredibly intense love I give, because they are the only other people on earth who are capable of feeling that kind of love. I simply believed you would be worth all the trouble I would subsequently cause for all other parties involved, and this is my cross. I am selfish, and at that time, I did not care. I just wanted my beautiful reward. 
And oh, my God, when I shared this information with you, your reciprocity was electrifying. It was the next couple days that everything changed. I can only imagine that how you understood me to feel was too much for you to handle, which perplexes me to no end, as this is not what I am used to with my November people. When they realize how much I get them and love them, it's on...
You pulled a way.
I need to know why.
I need to understand why, after all this time and all I have proven to you, you still find it necessary to screw around with some flaky bitch who could potentially destroy your family, which, in fact, she did. Knowing me the way you do, knowing I would never do such a thing, never try to take you away from the mother of your daughter, knowing that I could have this separate affair of the heart with you, knowing that I am one of the smartest, strongest people you have ever known. Why on God's earth would you have this lengthy affair with this woman, keeping both of them in the dark, when you know that I love what piece of you that I have, and want your family to have their piece? Jesus, I can only imagine that you are hell bent on destroying your family on your own.
It makes me think you feel unworthy of the blessings bestowed upon you. Again, hard for me to understand this. You may be somewhat easily duplicitous, however, you project this image of confidence, so I cannot fathom you, of all of the people I know feeling unworthy. My friends like to explain you to me in this vein; you are more in love with you than you are with anybody else. I do remember looking in your eyes the first time you kissed me and being shaken to my very core at what I saw in those windows. You are young. What I saw was this little boy. The people who know you best see this, too. I am so tired of trying to explain to my people that they don't know you like I do, when in fact, their objectivity, which I lack, considerably, allows them to know you way better than I do. I have stood on file for you every single step of the way. The people who love me and know me best do understand that I love you, unconditionally. They just don't feel you are deserving of such love. I want to believe that that is why you keep me at arms length, but maybe I am the fool, here. Maybe you just don't give a fuck how I feel, or who I am, or what I'm capable of. Perhaps it simply makes no difference to you that I have mastered the art of resiliency. 
I so badly want us to be able to live in the same world. I cannot understand why everyone thinks that makes no difference to you. Trust me, my beloved, I do not want to agree with them.
They reconcile my experience to a lesson. A lesson in love, so that I will know what love really is and just what I am capable of. They may be right. And that would be okay. Perhaps you are just my teacher, as you have been from the start. But there are these moments with you in which I am high in the knowledge of your advocacy. So how am I to believe that there is no love behind that. Why else would you do the things you do for me? Is this to keep me hanging on, so as to perpetuate your ego. You know what's funny about that concept? I would gladly perpetuate your ego, I would do whatever it takes to make you whole. What is said to me on that concept is that you are incapable of accepting or understanding that kind of love. They say they have seen you, time and time, again, throw down your charm, with reckless abandon, to get what you need. What I don't understand about their concept is that you don't have to do that. You already know that I love you and would always do whatever is necessary to make you know you are loved.
So what is the answer to my question?
What makes someone like Linzee so different from me?
How can you have this affair with her and not me?
I don't know whether or not I want you feel that it is because of what you know I am capable of or of that is because you are just incapable of wrapping your head around  this kind of love. I find it so hard to allow myself to believe that you are the latter. Of course, I have always tried to be blind to your actions. Not because I am too weak to accept who you are. For God's sake, THAT is my strength. But because I want the person I love so completely to understand that kind of love. I love you and I want you to experience that kind of love. It has never been about me. It has always been about you and what I perceived to be your needs.
And here we are, all these months later. Your life has been destroyed. You are not with your daughter. You are not with the people who love you.
Why? Why, baby? What compels you to such destruction. When I watch you take the risks you do with everything that should be so priceless to you, I can't understand it.
I know I'll never change you. I wouldn't want to. I fell in love with you and your changing would be counterproductive to my Capricorn goals, but why?
Please just make me understand. 
You once told me you wish I would have given you my college fund. That you could have provided me with this education. Well, fucking educate me...I'm tired of trying to figure things out, either on my own, or with my people constantly blowing my fucking mind with another one of your self imposed nightmares.
Whatever the case may be, I will always love you. I have always know you need my love, whether or not you want it. And that just is what it is.
Now that you have shed your second skin or regenerated your tail or whatever it is you Scorpios do to renew your existence, just know, that I will be here for you. And know that this is because I am the one worthy of allowing myself to love on this exponential level. As for you, I have always anticipated the wait...



Well it seems like I've fallen in your trap again...
Seems like I'll be wearin' the same old chains.
Good will conquer evil and the truth will set me free...
And I know some day I'll find the key-
Then I know somewhere I'll find the key

Well it seem like I've been playin' your game way too long-
And it seems the game I played has made you strong...
But when the game is over, I won't walk out a loser...
I know some day I'll walk out of here again,
Some way I'll walk out of here again.
But now I'm trapped, oh yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah!

Now it seems like I've been sleepin' in your bed too long...
And it seems like you've been meanin' to do me harm,
But I'll teach my eyes to see beyond these walls in front of me
And someday I'll walk outta here again-
Yeah I know some way I'll walk out of here again.

But now I'm trapped, oh yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah!

Well it seem like I've been playin' your game way   too long
And it seems the game I've played has made you strong

Because I'm trapped, oh yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah!

I'm trapped, oh yeah yeah!
Trapped, oh yeah yeah
Trapped, oh yeah
Trapped, oh yeah
I'm trapped.

Words and Music by Bruce Springsteen

Saturday, November 23, 2013

"No One In The World"

I look back on all those good times
We once shared and I must have been blind
Just to think I'd find someone new
One who'd love me better than you
Well it may come as a surprise
Loneliness has opened my eyes,
I've tried every love I could find,
Still I can't get you out of my mind

Cause there's no one in the world to hold me
No one in the world is gonna move me,
No one in the world
Can love me like you do baby
Every time I'm with someone
Loving you yes I want to run
I wanna run back to your arms again
No one in the world (no one in the world)
Loves me like you do

Are you happy now with your life
Well for me, I'm breaking inside
So self assured that I could not see
I had it all when you were with me baby

No one in the world is gonna hold me
No one in the world can move me
No one in the world can love me like you do baby
Every time I'm with someone
Loving you and I want to run
I wanna run back to your arms again
And no one in the world (no one in the world)
Loves me like you do

Please take me back 

Oh babe, I can't go on  
I'm not happy in my life without you
I'll do whatever it takes
I've got to get you back with me again 

No one in the world (no one)
No one in the world (no body loves me like you)
No one in the world, (like, like, like you do baby)
You got the love I need
Everyone found the love that I need

And no one in the world
In this world
No one in the world 

Anita Baker

"Sweet Love"

With all my heart I love you baby
Stay with me and you will see
My arms will hold you, baby
Never leave, 'cause I believe

I'm in love, sweet love
Hear me calling out your name, I feel no shame
I'm in love, sweet love
Don't you ever go away, it'll always be this way

Oh, heart has called me closer to you
I will be all that you need
Just trust in what we're feeling
Never leave 'cause baby, I believe

In this love sweet love
Hear me callin out your name I fell no shame
I'm in love sweet love
Don't you ever go away
It will be always this way

No stronger love in this world
Oh, baby no, you're my man, I'm your girl
I'll never go, wait and see, can't be wrong
Don't you know this is where you belong

Sweet this dream how lovely baby
Stay right here, never fear
I will be all that you need
Never leave, 'cause baby, I believe

In this love sweet love
Hear me calling out you name
I feel no shame I'm in love sweet love
Don't you ever go away
It will always be this way

Oh no no no no
No no no sweet love umm hmm
So sweet, so sweet, so sweet 

-Anita Baker

Sunday, November 17, 2013

"Because The Night"
Take me now baby here as I am
Pull me close try an understand
I work all day out in the hot sun
Break my back till the mornin' comes
Come on now try and understand
The way I feel when I'm in your hands
Take me now as the sun descends
They can't hurt you now
They can't hurt you now
They can't hurt you now

Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us
Because the night belongs to lovers
Because the night belongs to us

What I got I have earned
What I'm not I have learned
Desire and hunger is the fire I breathe
Just stay in my bed till the morning comes
Come on now try and understand
The way I feel when I'm in your hands
Take me now as the sun descends
They can't hurt you now
They can't hurt you now
They can't hurt you now

Because the night...

Your love is here and now
The vicious circle turns and burns without
Though I cannot live forgive me now
The time has come to take this moment and
They can't hurt you now 

Words and Music
-by Bruce Springsteen

"If You Forget Me"


I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.


In the beginning, there was indifference. There were two people who had absolutely no understanding of each other. This woman was wounded, damaged, mad. This man never once attempted to understand why, or how. In their home, this caused a tempest in a teapot. This home was my home. In my formative years, I was never allowed the privilege of empathy. My days consisted of madness and alcoholism and infidelity and anger and fear and disappointment. What I learned from my father are the things I seek today of total antithesis. I remember knowing at a very young age that I would never marry a man like this. What I learned from my mother are the things I attempt to be keenly aware of. Things like addiction, and the understanding that all things that temporarily ease your pain are a privilege and the abuse of that privilege will inevitably lead to addiction. I learned to also always be keenly aware of mental illness. There are many things I learned from growing up in my little house of horrors that I espouse in my present and everyday life, however, they are perpetually attached to nightmarish memories. For instance, I intentionally and with much forethought raised my daughter completely the opposite of the way I was raised. One of the most important things I learned from my experience in Hell House is how to judge people almost immediately. As I am a writer, I would never advise judging a book by it's cover, so that is not what I mean. I was gifted with incredible intuition, more than likely from my mother, so this is a tool I utilize often in my people selection process. This is, however, but one of the many tools at my disposal. I feel very strongly that after the lousy hand I was dealt in regards to family, I deserve to have good people in my life. Thank God I'm at that place in my life where I get to choose them. This is how I perpetuate this: I will meet someone and pay close attention to my first reaction to them. Usually, due to my ability to gauge a person immediately with aforementioned intuition, I will either fall in love at first sight or not care if I ever see you again. My next step involves the close observation of the person. For me, it doesn't really matter if you've gone to college or drive a fancy car. I am the one paying attention to the way you deal with your people. For instance, a huge turn on for me is your ability to love deeply, protect fiercely, share your knowledge because you want me to know what you know. After a little time collecting my data, I will usually feel comfortable enough to ask you for your advocacy. Yes, I suppose this is a sort of test, but I have no choice but to need to know that the people in my life will have my back, as this is something I lacked, considerably as a child. There are some people I have let in my life that have passed this test so exponentially, that I remember every moment in the advocacy as if it were a movie I am watching over and over. 
A few years ago, when my beloved yellow Lab died in my arms, I called my best friend. I cannot begin to describe my unabashed agony in the loss of my soul mate. My best friend listened to my tears, and then he suggested I return to my hometown to be with my daughter and her family, purchased my plane ticket, and wired $1000 to my bank account. This is the only person I will ever trust with my advance directive. He is beautiful and strong and faithful to our friendship to the ends of the earth. He has earned my trust and my loyalty, and most of all my love. There is nothing I will not do for this man, as long as I live. And by the way, it was love at first sight for me. I even fought my husband for a very long time for this friendship. As much as I loved my husband, I told him flat out, I will NOT give up this friendship. Over thirteen years later, he is still my best friend, my husband, however, is now my ex-husband.
So, here in lies the other part of people selection process. Many of my people are simply a gift. I believe these gifts have been given me as a sort of compensation for the evil I was born unto. I have always seen my daughter in my head. I knew what she would look like and that she would be my daughter. One day, at University of Houston, I was hanging out in the quad and I see this man standing on the other side. Something inside me clicks and I walk over to introduce myself. We became friends and remained so for about a year. He was not someone I was extremely fond of or anything, but I was certain that he was supposed to be the father of my daughter. We finally consummated the relationship in March the following year and in December, my beautiful daughter was born. I have been so blessed by this child that I can hardly contain my emotion when I speak of her. My little gift slept all through the night from the first day I took her home. She has always been one of the strongest people I have ever known. She never got arrested as a teen, finished high school, and learned how to drive a car in my five-speed sports car.  In November of 2007, she gave me the greatest gift I have ever received-my grandson, Joshua. Joshua is one of those people, like my best friend, who loves with the greatest depth anyone has ever known. One night, while preparing dinner with my daughter, Josh came downstairs and trotted into the kitchen, "Hey, Mom, I just wanted to tell you that I love you", turned around and went back upstairs to his room. His creativity is even deeper than that of most men my age. Knowing that I am a writer, Joshua, one day proceeded to give me an amazing story involving a military action on an island with a volcano. "Make it into a movie, Gramma." He was four at the time. 
Joshua's beauty is obvious, both the inner and the outer. When he is runs to you and says, "My brother is being mean to me!", he's not saying it because he wants to get his brother in trouble. He's saying this because he is truly hurt by the meanness. Joshua wears his heart on his sleeve. His awareness of the world around him is stunning. He pays attention to everything, without ever missing a step. He observes. He is a pretty good judge of character, however, he will take his time to gauge the worthiness of you. If he deems you worthy of his love, he will never let you go. He is extremely smart. I have sat with him, going over his lessons and it is unbelievable to see him want so badly to learn from me, because he knows that will make me proud, and he does this because he loves me. In other words, it is not so that he can feel my pride, he does this because he knows that it will make ME happy. And all of the people he loves, he wants to make happy. To witness such a capacity to love and care in someone so young is utterly life affirming for me. My grandson has taught me that love is necessary and existent. 
Joshua is one of  eight (of my total of about twelve) loved ones born in November. It was my grandmother, who shares a birthday with Joshua, who took me out of my childhood hell. She had already raised twelve kids, but she took me into her arms, her heart and her home and re-taught me how to be a (functioning) member  of society. She was strong and secretive and had the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. Of all of her grandchildren, and she had about fifty, it was I with whom she connected to the most. We had always understood each other on a metaphysical level and my grandmother knew empirically that I appreciated the depth of her love, protection and commitment to me and that was very, very important to her. I'm not exactly sure which way this has always gone for me, am I immediately drawn to people like her because I love her so much, or have we always loved each other so much because of said understanding? Perhaps it is a little of both.
My grandmother and my grandson are gifts of the Gods for me, because they are MY Scorpios. They have always belonged to and loved me, so I never really had to work that hard to get them to let me in. I am the one person on earth that my grandmother shared her long kept secrets with. The day she shared those secrets is another day I remember on a loop. It was a truly special day. Theirs is a love I was gifted with, and will always work to deserve, but a gift, none the less. My other Scorpios, I have had to work for. That's just how they are. But the payoff received from the work put in is so worth it. There is not one of them I would not lay down my life for, and vice-verse, I'm sure.
I could spend the rest of my life writing words and never be able to completely express the magnitude of the gift that my own grandson is one of these people. He is six years old today. I have the unequaled pleasure of watching a person with the greatest capacity to love there is, grow into a man, the kind of man I have fallen in love with at first sight, three times, who will protect and love my daughter to the ends of the earth. And I get to see the kind of love I never experienced as a child.
Certainly, this is the way in which one's life is balanced. The way in which we are rewarded for surviving the others.
My darling Joshua, you make up for all the indifference.
Happy birthday, my love...

-by Deannalynn Arzola

Friday, November 8, 2013

And magic is my religion, my Goddess is my deity, my soul-mates are my congregation and my intuition is my faith...Blessed be:::
-Deannalynn Arzola

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Season of Long Shadows - April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio: Season of Long Shadows - April Elliott Kent's Big Sky Astrology

Happy Birthday, my beautiful Scorpio...

The Angel of Patience
-by J.G. Whittier

To weary hearts, to mourning homes,
God’s meekest angel gently comes :
No power has he to banish pain,
Or give us back our lost again ;
And yet, in tenderest love, our dear
And heavenly Father sends him here.
There’s quiet in that angel’s glance,-
There’s rest in his still countenance :
He mocks no grief with idle cheer,
Nor wounds with words the mourner’s ear;
But ills and woes he may not cure,-
He kindly learns us to endure.
Angel of Patience ! sent to calm
Our feverish brow with cooling palm,-
To lay the storms of hope and fear,
And reconcile life’s smile and tear;
The throbs of wounded pride to still,
And make our own our Father’s will.
Oh, thou who mournest on thy way,
With longings for the close of day !
He walks with thee, -that angel kinds,-
And gently whispers, “Be resigned !
Bear up, bear on,-the end shall tell
The dear Lord ordereth all things well.”
My creativity has temporarily been replaced by daydreams...today, I borrow others...I thank you for your patience...
Deannalynn Arzola


Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt
You're in my heart now

Said, woman, take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said, sugar, make it slow
And we come together fine
All we need is just a little patience 

Mm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs
'Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now
I'll wait, dear
Sometimes I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love
There's one more thing to consider

Said, woman, take it slow
And things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said, sugar, take the time
'Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes to make it,

We won't fake it,
I'll never break it 'cause I can't take it

...little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah need a little patience, yeah just a little patience, yeah more patience, yeah need some patience, yeah could use some patience, yeah gotta have some patience, yeah all it takes is patience, just a little patience is all you need...

I've been walkin' these streets at night
Just tryin' to get it right
Hard to see with so many around
You know I don't like being stuck in the crowd

And the streets don't change, but baby the name
And I ain't got time for the game
'Cause I need you, yeah, yeah, but I need you, oh, I need you
Whoa, I need you...
All this time. 

-Guns n Roses

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Need You Now"
Picture perfect memories scattered all around the floor.
Reaching for the phone 'cause I can't fight it anymore.

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now.

Another shot of whiskey, can't stop looking at the door.
Wishing you'd come sweeping in the way you did before.

And I wonder if I ever cross your mind?
For me it happens all the time.

It's a quarter after one, I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
Said I wouldn't call but I've lost all control and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now.

Oh, whoa
Guess I'd rather hurt than feel nothing at all.

It's a quarter after one, I'm all alone and I need you now.
And I said I wouldn't call but I'm a little drunk and I need you now.
And I don't know how I can do without.
I just need you now
I just need you now.
Oh, baby, I need you now. 

by Lady Antebellumhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM213aMKTHg

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Webster's defines clandestine as  the practice of hiding information from certain individuals or groups, perhaps while sharing it with other individuals or characterized by, done in, or executed with secrecy or concealment, especially for purposes of subversion or deception; private or surreptitious.

Surreptitious has most recently been one of my favorite words. Clandestine comes to mind as I have recently been thinking of all the wonderful journeys I have been on in my life. Many of my friends are where I  was 25 years ago and I am sort of watching them from the sidelines, ref stripes on my shirt and whistle in hand. It is quite enjoyable being available to my younger friends, whose ages are very close to that of my own beloved daughter, but this is not really my point.
What has me thinking about the definition of clandestine is where I'm at in my life these days. I find great pleasure expounding the virtues of my truly magnificent marriage. I really did live this beautiful life, full to the hilt of domestic bliss. My remarkable husband came into our lives when my daughter, Nich, was five years old. He raised her with love, respect and trust and as I sit here and write this, tears come to my eyes, as this man is, and probably more than me, responsible for the mature and fully functioning adult my daughter is.
When it was time to move on from this journey, he and I were able to separate ourselves from one another and this is something we both deserved from each other, as we had given each other all the love throughout that we possibly could have. For all the things that David did for me, all of his patience and love and guidance, he deserves to live his third act the way he wishes. And so do I.
Having been blessed already, with domesticity, I am kind of eying the great American love affair. I have grown up in front of the silver screen and it is my great ambition to write a wickedly awesome screenplay for my favorite director, Tim Burton, so movies have enthralled  me my entire life...Some great American love affairs would be to me; Casablanca: Beautiful Princess walks into a bar...does she marry the King of Czechoslovakia, or have her love affair with her hot and sexy bar keep? At this point in my life, I'm goin' with the latter. Gone With the Wind comes to mind: As Scarlett's beloved Atlanta burns to the ground, all she can think about is lookin' good for her man. How about Ghost? Now that's love, baby...I'm coming back from the dead and jumping inside a crazy black woman just so I can touch you one more time.
Ahhh, the love affair. This is my definition: A gorgeous man walks into my life. I look at him in an entirely different context than what I have before in regards to my past fellas. I am not looking for a husband. I am looking for a lover. A man who will ravish me unabashedly and connect with me deeply. He is still all the things I admire in a man. I mean after all, if it works, why fix it? So he is smart and confident and intense and deep. His birthday is probably gonna be in November, because, as I told my girlfriend, whose birthday is in November, number one, can one ever really be married to a Scorpio, I mean, the intensity may just kill you, and two, as an honorable woman, to some degree, I wouldn't want to take one off the market. That's just not nice to my fellow females. So Mr. November will most definitely fit the bill.
 This is my love affair, so it will be filled with incredible passion. An analogy would be; I grew up on the grounds of Astroworld. I saw allot of amazing concerts there. The joy, however, did not necessary lie in the end result. It was the fun during the day, the excitement of having waited in line for an hour and a half to ride the Cyclone and being next in line. The clicking of the coaster, slowly making it's ascent and then the drop. The whole day, to me, is worth that first drop. The sex is dirty and secretive and almost embarrassing, it does not, however, consist of the cap being left off the toothpaste. I will never ask him politely, to please hang his Levi's on the chair. The benefit of the love affair, as opposed to the marriage, is the ripping off of said Levi's. They can land wherever the hell they want!
I know that this is something I am capable of and it is truly what I desire. A love affair of my heart and of my mind, but most importantly of my soul. While this man would be my soul mate, it is in an entirely different context. Am I asking too much? You see, the problem with this prerequisite is that not everyone is at the same place in their lives. What is one to do if the object of her affection is not in this same place?
Here in lies my word...
A love affair, should  by all accounts be surreptitious, secretive, private. Surely the secrecy surrounding the love affair makes it all the more exciting. Is it okay to be selfish and just enjoy the fruits of one's labor for having been a good wife and mother? Please understand, that while my great American love affair certainly serves to please me, and mostly me, I do still have scruples and a married man will absolutely never do, I do, however, kinda think that a man who can commit his body and soul to me while at the same time committing his heart and his time to his domesticity is kinda hot...

I seem to have this sort of addictive affinity for mystery. This is a little odd for a gal who finds great joy in the planning of every little detail. This mystery seems to be perpetually tethered to the kind of man I am attracted to. With incredible depth comes an almost honor code in the secrecy of said depth. And that is OK. It is quite a sight to see this person with whom you want to simply consume on a purely carnal level, know he is not readily available, however, know that all the things that you have been drawn to are all the things that he espouses and wonder if this great American love affair can ever really be. This is a man, I have come to understand, who's greatest joy is the realization that he is understood, for all the amazing things he does to help the people he cares about, and for the depth and intensity that he is capable of. I see in him that everything he does is on such a larger scale than anyone else I know, and to see him come to the realization that I am one of the few people able to really reconcile that this is a gift in and of it's self, is one of the greatest joys of my so-called new life! How am I effected by the whole"executed with secrecy or concealment" thing, you ask? Well, this particular creature is all about the execution in secrecy...
And that is what draws me to him, even more.
I decided recently, that I would make a promise to myself, for his benefit, as well, that I would be more selfish. More surreptitious. I chose this promise because it is a promise I know he can understand on a very spiritual level. 

Share with me your wisdom on the ins and outs of  surreptitiousness, my love. This is an art form of which I am lacking.
Give to me my clandestine, great American love affair, and I will gladly pay you $60,000. It is, I'm sure, an education worth every penny, every second and every single secret...

-by Deannalynn Arzola

Sunday, November 3, 2013

To watch, view, or note for a scientific, official, or other special purpose: to observe an eclipse
To see, watch, perceive, or notice: to observe a behavior

Observe seems to be the word of the day.

Today is November 3 and there is an amazing solar eclipse today. When reading the news of the day, I was advised to observe. I live in the Pacific Northwest, so, for me, this is not literally an option, however, I am certainly observing it's existence.
 I was recently having a conversation with my beloved house mate and friend. We were talking quite extensively, as we always do, and in one of her sentences, she used the word "observe". I immediately thought, "that is not the word I have used in that instance". It was the right word, I just would have said something like, "watch". I insisted she elaborate. 
Why the word "observe", Maggie? 
"Well, that it is what it is", she said. "When I'm observing, it's not just seeing, it's processing that information, as well". 
I thought about the different uses for the word. She is completely right. It's different than just the seeing.
That my friends, like Maggie, observe their people, is something I am familiar with. I explained to her that while hanging out with my best friend at a bar called Big Dogs, I was looking at him from across the room, sitting slouched in the booth. Notice, I said looking. I told Maggie that when I saw him looking at me, at the bar, the word that came to me, first, was "observe". We had been friends a couple months at the time and he was understanding me, in that moment, or attempting to, and that is wickedly deep.
It is so amazing to have people in your life who teach you how to really observe the things in your life. Of course, this is also an investigatory tool, used to assist in the final decision. In or out. But it works. And it's brilliant.
Observing things like holidays sort of falls into that category. The benefits of this kind of observation lie directly in the emotionality of the moment. Bringing emotion into sight is what makes the observation all that more enjoyable.
I have seen this word used before. It was almost verbatim and used in the same context as Webster's defines it above.
The lesson of the day is the difference between sight and observation.
Observe your surroundings, soak up your life, live it exponentially and appreciate every experience .

-by Deannalynn Arzola