
enthralling, spellbinding, mesmerizing, irresistible, captivating
*Not able to be refuted
*Inspiring conviction
*Not able to be resisted
*evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
compelled: a feeling that you must do something
I came across this word, compelling, the other day while reading an article. It's such a strong, definitive word. I've often heard the word in a legal context, such as, "The evidence was quite compelling", but I've never really thought about it in a personal way. Something made (compelled) me to seek out the true definition. Let me just say that I do not care how compelling one's evidence is, this word should be banned from that context. Your evidence is gripping and plausible. It is not, however compelling. This word is reserved for the very definition and the ancillary synonyms noted above. And, yes, the definition comes straight out of Merriam-Webster.
Lets put "compelling" in a more human context:
HE is irresistible. HE evokes interest, attention and admiration in a powerfully irresistible way. HE inspires conviction. HE is unable to be refuted. HE is enthralling. HE is spellbinding. HE is mesmerizing. HE is captivating.
I am always searching for the perfect word. I'm one of those people who compartmentalizes everyone and everything, so I like to define the things in my life, individually. Words are evolutionary. In the beginning, he was "mysterious". In the middle, he was "beguiling". With every moment spent in his presence, I know him a little bit more. I can go back almost two years now and find the written words in which I said, "The more I know you, the more I love you." So, now the word is "compelling".
And me, I am "compelled". The feeling that I must do something never leaves me. A little more about me; I believe in fate and destiny. I am not one to carry the feeling that I must do something. And what's funny about me finding myself compelled, other than the fact that I almost never "must do" anything, is that when I met this compelling man, I envisioned a time table that consisted of four years. I knew he would be worth it. I knew it would always be forever. I didn't really worry about the four year plan. I could see our light at the end of that path. I don't want to feel like I "must do something", but I do. I am compelled to write. I am compelled to talk to him. I am compelled to see him. I am compelled to touch him, feel him, hold him wickedly tight. I am compelled to wall myself up with everyone else because when it comes to kissing, I am compelled to kiss only him. I am compelled to learn everything about him. I am compelled to find myself lost in him because he is the other half of me. He is me. I am compelled to love him. I am compelled to love myself because of him. I am compelled to play with his fire, to study the colour in the flames. I am compelled to be an academy award winning screenwriter, just so I can see him in the seats, amongst the stars. I am compelled to accept what remains. That is what remains from both of us.
I have loved and hated, lived and died, won and lost. I believe I have experienced just about every emotion on my path. I have been able to love a few souls. It's not an easy emotion for me and I almost always handle it badly. That's my perception, anyway. And that is perhaps why only a few. I have very high, thick walls. Not very many souls are able to knock those walls down. However, when I do let you in, it's forever. And it's the real deal. I love my daughter. I love my dog, Bubby. I love Joshua. I love my mother. Love. I guess for me, love is the other souls in my life are giving me what I am giving them. What I mean by that is that they love me not just in spite of my occasional madness, but because of it. They radiate a physical energy. It is warm and soft. When my dog was alive, I would lie on my bed and call him to me. He would be lying on his side, my head and his head at equal positions on the pillow, right up next to me and we would sleep like that all night. We just laid there and loved each other. I miss him all the time. I miss nuzzling my face in his big, fluffy neck. Unbelievable love. My Joshua. He and I have a very special bond. We understand one another empirically and we both know that, so we use that. One night, in my daughter's home, I was lying on the couch, crying softly. Joshua came down stairs, said nothing and just laid on top of me, silently, soul to soul. Love, radiated. He brought me home to my daughter while he was still in her womb. He and Bubby were soul mates, as well. My daughter literally saved my life. When you give birth to another human being, and you see her come out of you, and grow up, everyday, well, it is a love that is a blessing. I'm just really lucky I have a daughter who will take the time to understand me so that she can accept me the way I am. A blessing. I love my mother most and here's why; I had nine beautiful, amazing years with a woman who is a spiritual empath. Before the rest of the world destroyed the little girl, my mother showed me what love is. If not for those nine years, I can assure you, things would have turned out very different for me. My mother taught me what love is. Thank god for that, because once she was gone, so, too, was the love. That little nine year bundle I lived in with my mother saved the lives of at least two people. William and Priscilla should be on their knees, every night, praising my mother's life. Every time I'm in my lovely consecrated bedroom, and not in some drab, depressing jail cell, I thank my mother...
The other day, this man who compels me so, was talking about being in love. Bingo. Different. Being in love is different than loving someone. He said he left his wife because he wasn't in love with her any longer. She was hurt by this, but he said he didn't want to cheat on her and, "That's what you do when you're not in love..." He's actually quite right about this. In fact, I put this theory to the test recently, as I do. I spent several days holed up in bed with a man I am not in love with. I am really sorry to say this, but when you are in love with someone who is "compelling", everything else is nothing. Here's what I learned from my most recent human experiment: first of all, the more one pulls away from another, the more the other desires you. That was not the result I was seeking, for my own enjoyment, anyway. Secondly, I felt I could not kiss him. Three days in bed. No kisses. Again, sorry, but that just does not work for me. I'm a kisser. Always have been. In fact, amazing kissing is a pre-requisite. If you don't pass the kiss test, you're outta the game. Here's a little secret; we went out one of those nights and there was a cute boy, a little younger than me, I sent the aforementioned to the store to get me a pack of smokes, and promptly grabbed this boy, slammed him up against the wall and kissed him. Hard! I so wanted, needed a kiss and could not kiss my man that I kissed a stranger...Thirdly, the more time I spent in his presence, the more I began to detest him. I thought about this man I am so compelled to love the entire time. We were communicating, throughout. When I finally came home and entered my consecrated bedroom (and I refer to my room this way because when I first moved in, I asked him to come make love to me in my room. This is HIS room. The other does not visit with me, here.), I shook off the last few days and I called my beloved.
I realized that when you are in love with someone, you don't want to be with anybody else. I have never been in love before. Here's what "in love" feels like to me:
*evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
"his eyes were strangely compelling"
| "a compelling performance" |
not able to be refuted; inspiring conviction.
"compelling evidence"
not able to be resisted; overwhelming.
"the temptation to give up was compelling"
: very interesting : able to capture and hold your attention
: capable of causing someone to believe or agree
: strong and forceful : causing you to feel that you must do something
I am compelled...
-by Deannalynn Arzola