Sunday, August 14, 2016

I love watching this guy unravel in public. Again, let me reiterate, I have never supported HRC, however, she won the Democratic primary, and trump, the Republican one, so I will, unwillingly, vote for the Secretary, but this, to me, isn't about party lines, it isn't even about the election, at all. This, to me, is about the world seeing what I have seen my entire life. 
Narcissistic sociopaths talk a good game, but they are weak, unintelligent, scared, dishonest, and crooked. On the inside, they are empty. They cheat on their partners out of a need for excitement, which fills a void. They lie to hide the truth about their inadequacies. They believe everyone is too stupid to recognize their lies for what they are and they even tend to believe their own lies. They do not view sex as passion and genuine affection for one another; sex is simply another void filler, connectionless, pornographical. They are incapable of caring for others. They hide behind a mask, and their greatest fear is exposure. 
Donald Trump is by no means qualified to lead a government, and he is too self-superior to learn how to. The election will not be rigged, no one will vote five times, the folks within the RNC, that he treats with great disdain, will not, out of spite, put Hillary in the Oval. For Donald Trump, himself, will win her the election, because he suffers from the greatest antisocial personality disorder I have ever seen. And for the way he has treated just about everyone unfortunate enough to have crossed his path, his lack of knowledge, affect, empathy, honesty, morals, and all the things that make the rest of us human and social, will be exposed, day by day, and as the former victim of these alien life forms, well let's just say I've purchased a plethora of Jiffy Pop stock.
Deannalynn Arzola

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