Sunday, August 21, 2016

 I completely agree with Michael Goodwin's article on the decline of Journalism. I certainly do agree that journalists should investigate a story and then tell the story and shouldn't lean right or left or be biased. The story should be even-handed, as it's up to the reader to decide which way they prefer to lean or which candidate they like and don't like. 
However, a caveat; it is impossible to be impartial regarding Donald Trump. When one investigates him and finds time after time he's lied or another of his businesses have gone bankrupt or he's displayed his disdain for veterans who were captured or disabled people or women who have an opinion or Black people or Mexican people, how else can you tell the story? It's not that the journalists are leaning left or righ. It's not that the New York Times is a Hillary Clinton shill. It's simply that Donald Trump is such a bad person, such a liar, such a cheater and such a manipulator that the story inevitably comes out anti-trump, but let's not blame the journalists or the Times for that; shouldn't we blame Trump for that, because this writer can see no other way to tell a trump story that actually comes out in his favor.

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