1) PAGE OF WANDS (Reversed) ~Past Influences on the Present
Faithless lover, person with a long list of complaints, young person who lacks application.
2) PAGE OF SWORDS~Possible Obstacles Fading Away
Young person with dark hair and penetrating eyes, and pale skin, who is highly perceptive and wields his eloquence like a weapon. An ally who provides good news.
3) ACE OF WANDS (Reversed) ~Helpful Influences
Fortunate, no bad side to this card. Indicates a teacher and warns against tactlessness and obsessive single-mindedness.
A tall man who possesses charm, wit, perception and intelligence. He is young(er) attractive, impetuous, and is in constant need of stimulation. He has no boring stories and will blow into your life like the wind.
5) JUDGEMENT~Distant Future
Delayed conclusion, fear of far reaching change and denial of inevitable change. Ignoring new opportunities. However, indicates a very promising future.
6) THREE OF SWORDS (Reversed) ~Outcome
Long suffering heart-ache is coming to an end. Warns against impatience. You still have a long way to go. Hopeful.
I am a firm believer in and serious practitioner of Macick. Reading my Tarot is like reading a navigational map of my life. Most of the time, when reading my Tarot, or my Horoscope, it feels like confirmation of what I already know in my soul.
There are people who come into your life that you feel you have known before. They make the greatest impressions on you, their presence is with you even when they are not, you tend to know them for the rest of your life and they are the rarest of gems that complete your crown. These are the people you think about the most. When pulling one's Tarot cards, it is advised to meditate the situation. I never find this process necessary, as the Cards come up defining whatever situation I happen to find myself in at the time of the reading.
I choose to share this interesting confirmation because while it is confirmation, as well as instruction, the parallels still never cease to blow my mind.
For ten months, my cards, numbers, and stars have all said to be patient. It is not a generalization, as I am not an impetuous person to begin with. I have taken this advice very much to heart and prayed for the reason it is so important for me to wait for the things I so badly want. Then, last night, as I was thinking about where I am in my life, mind and soul, presently, I had a revelation.
The aforementioned people who make the greatest impression and are still in my life have always deserved more of me than I gave. I could never, in a million years express my disappointment in myself for that. Those people have been the most loving people I have ever known and they have given me all of themselves and I was too jaded to see it.
To Arley and Ingrid and Adrian and my Grandmother, Caty: I am sorry it has taken me all this time to recognize that I never gave you enough of myself. I have always known how much I love you, for I have cried in the arms of all of you just in the very knowledge of your intense and deep beauty. But I was never worthy. You are all a blessing to me. Every one of you have changed the course of my journey for the better. You are the reason I have chosen the path less traveled and, by God, YOU have made all the difference.
I continue to be blessed with people like this. They all espouse the very same characteristics. There are two of them currently in my life today. One of them is very young, not yet damaged by life, the other, obviously hurt by people he has loved far beyond their comprehension.
They are both an indescribable blessing, and they both deserve more than most people will ever deserve in a hundred lifetimes.
My spread, today is indicative of the latter. Every card describes him to a T. I am so blessed to know him, and therefor, when I take into account my other people, the knowledge that they have always deserved more than I gave, the lessons and advice of patience, and tie it all together, as is the way the Universe works, anyway, this it what I take from everything...
The Goddess seems to keep giving me a second chance to get it right with these very special people, probably because I have lived without love and these people have made up for that lack, thereof, on an exponential level, but a second chance, she gives me, nonetheless, I have allot more work to do, before I get to reap the benefits of such depth. Learning to be the very best person possible for the latter will surely teach me how to give the former the unconditional beauty he gives to me every second of every day.
So, number one, Dear Goddess, thank you for the second (or third or fourth or tenth...) chance to have that kind of person, the kind of person who has your back, loves you deeply, trusts you with their soul, and keeps you in their heart, eternally, in my life, and second, please grant me the wisdom so inherently necessary to be the person they deserve, not want or need, or the kind of person they have run into time and time again, but the special person they deserve. The person who understands them, empirically, handles their soul with the greatest of care and fills their heart with warmth and love and goodness, forever and ever, Amen.
May I continue to be educated in the ways of love. It is an education I unfortunately missed out on for the first half of my life, and don't even let him let me in until my education is complete...
Blessed be
-DeAnna Lynn Arzola
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