Words and Actions
Webster's defines words as a unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken words, or their written representation that function as a principle carrier of meaning.
Words have always been my life's blood. They have allowed me to escape from the madness that surrounded me. They have allowed me to express myself when I could no longer carry my thoughts inside my soul. They are confirmation when we question the wonders of the universe. They are comforting. They are disconcerting. They are affinity. They are daggers.
We use words. In fact, the average person uses 16,000 words a day. Sixteen-thousand...
When we use words, we usually simply say the first thing that comes to mind. There are times, however, when we think about what we want to say. Sometimes we think about our words for days on end, months, years. I have had the dialogue of two scripts in my head since 1999. I have been working on my novel for 5 months. I am a writer, so I always have a plethora of words in my head. I sort of think I write most of my words, rather than speak them, however, but I imagine that constitutes the usage.
The other day, an accusation was posed to me...
"Your actions are not indicative of your words!" I have been pondering this statement for a week. I wondered, do my actions back up my words. I reconcile, in many cases, they do not. I ponder, how do we make sure we are putting our money where our mouth is? Is it really that easy?
Webster's defines actions as the act that one consciously wills, and that may be characterized by physical or mental activity.
When I tear myself away from discipline and escape my toxic environment, I find my actions speak even louder than my words. I intentionally tether myself to the kinds of people who bring my passion to the surface and I let my soul fly free.
I'm the chick a the Springsteen concert, singing along as
loudly as I can. I'm the chick at the Cowboys game, who saved my money for year to sit on the fifty yard line, sporting a big, blue star on her cheek. I'm the chick preparing the snacks for the poker party, taking the brief respite to sit down, play a hand, and taking all your money. And I'm the chick as lost in the passion of the act of love as I am in the passion of the words of love I so incessantly speak to the man I love, my friends and my family.
There are times when we simply cannot walk the talk. I hate those times. I wish I could lie in bed all day, in the arms of the man I so adore, kissing his mouth, exploring every inch of his skin, smelling the pheromones that make me insane, making love fifteen times in twenty-four hours, and listening only to the sound of his words.
It's not that we don't want to back up our words with our actions. I think most of us do. Sometimes we just have to wait until we can. And when we use our words to alliterate our emotions, or, perhaps our thoughts, they don't always match what we say when we're not emotionally charged. Mine certainly don't. That's why I am a writer.
I can say this about words and actions...
The day I can actually get them to reconcile just so, I will be walking up the steps to take the stage at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California to accept the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.

'Til then, I'm trying...
-DeAnna Lynn Arzola
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