Thursday, November 3, 2016
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
SEPTEMBER 21, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Trump rips off working people with scams like Trump University. And while the people he ripped off suffer, Trump sits at the posh resort he bought with his daddy’s money, with no understanding of the misery he caused.
Now, Trump’s business interests in foreign countries and his Ponzi-scheme fraud of a ‘charity’ make clear that Trump intends to scam all of America just like he rips off hard-working people.Trump can insult me all he wants but the American people deserve answers to these questions:Why did Trump appear to use his charity to enrich himself and bribe elected officials who were investigating his scams?Why does Trump refuse to cut ties with business interests that would allow him to exploit American foreign policy to enrich himself?What is Trump hiding in his tax returns?If Trump wants to be president, he should be properly vetted. If Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan had the public’s interest at heart, they would lead the Republican Congress to investigate these and other questions with a fraction of the energy and taxpayer money Congressional Republicans used to pursue Huma Abedin’s maternity leave records. But Senator McConnell and Speaker Ryan want to leave town for another two months, just a few weeks after returning from the longest summer recess in more than half a century. And the Republican Congress has shown nothing but blind obedience to Trump, going so far as to hold a Supreme Court seat open for six months in the hopes that Trump can fill it.If the Republican Congress refuses to do its job, the media has an even greater responsibility to get answers to these questions.We know how to spot a con artist in Las Vegas.
And Donald Trump is a con-artist.
Post by Deannalynn Arzola
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
"Daughter are angles sent from above to fill our heart with unending love."
-- J. Lee
It never takes me long to remember what a blessing my daughter is to me. I am so easily brought back to the day when I realized she was coming. This, mind you, was, of course, before I was pregnant. I am a motherless daughter. Have been most my life. That is a very hard place to come from, but the love I have for my daughter decreases that pain. That is what daughters do. Daughters are the confirmation necessary of uncompromising love. You always know that one day you have to let them go, but the moment you look into their eyes, you are reminded that there is no greater love from a woman than that of your daughter.
To my beautiful daughter, Jeanine Nichole Reyna, while miles may seperate our physical presence, you remain the constant warmth inside my soul that always makes me serve to be a better woman.
I love you with all my heart
Blessed be::
Deannalynn Arzola
Sunday, August 21, 2016
However, a caveat; it is impossible to be impartial regarding Donald Trump. When one investigates him and finds time after time he's lied or another of his businesses have gone bankrupt or he's displayed his disdain for veterans who were captured or disabled people or women who have an opinion or Black people or Mexican people, how else can you tell the story? It's not that the journalists are leaning left or righ. It's not that the New York Times is a Hillary Clinton shill. It's simply that Donald Trump is such a bad person, such a liar, such a cheater and such a manipulator that the story inevitably comes out anti-trump, but let's not blame the journalists or the Times for that; shouldn't we blame Trump for that, because this writer can see no other way to tell a trump story that actually comes out in his favor.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Seriously, WTF is wrong with donald trump? Ailes should NEVER be hired, again! So, is trump planning a break in of DNC HEADQUARTERS? Does he hate women THAT much?
And on another exactly would trump "extremely vet" Omar Mateen, the Orlando shooter, who executed the largest single mass shooting in American history? Would he walk down the street, and Waterboard his neighbor? Mateen is a fellow New Yorker. And Tashfeen Malik, San Bernardino shooter, again, born in the USA. Seung-Hui Cho, perpetrator of the second largest mass shooting in American history, at Virginia Tech, was from South Korea, NOT North Korea, South Korea. I could go on. Donald Trump's policies make no sense. And now he puts an alleged sexual abuser and advisor to the only president in American history, ever, to abdicate the presidency to avoid impeachment, on his payroll. Are the Clintons paying trump?, because this just makes no sense...
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Narcissistic sociopaths talk a good game, but they are weak, unintelligent, scared, dishonest, and crooked. On the inside, they are empty. They cheat on their partners out of a need for excitement, which fills a void. They lie to hide the truth about their inadequacies. They believe everyone is too stupid to recognize their lies for what they are and they even tend to believe their own lies. They do not view sex as passion and genuine affection for one another; sex is simply another void filler, connectionless, pornographical. They are incapable of caring for others. They hide behind a mask, and their greatest fear is exposure.
Donald Trump is by no means qualified to lead a government, and he is too self-superior to learn how to. The election will not be rigged, no one will vote five times, the folks within the RNC, that he treats with great disdain, will not, out of spite, put Hillary in the Oval. For Donald Trump, himself, will win her the election, because he suffers from the greatest antisocial personality disorder I have ever seen. And for the way he has treated just about everyone unfortunate enough to have crossed his path, his lack of knowledge, affect, empathy, honesty, morals, and all the things that make the rest of us human and social, will be exposed, day by day, and as the former victim of these alien life forms, well let's just say I've purchased a plethora of Jiffy Pop stock.
Deannalynn Arzola®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0&referer=
Saturday, August 6, 2016
A Letter to Senator Marco Rubio
Dear Senator Rubio,
Please carry inside of you for nine months, a sick baby, one who is failing to thrive in the womb. And while you're at your OBGYN, lying on the table, and you see the look of despair on her face, just be strong. And when she tells you that your baby, the one you've been falling in love with for months, has microcephaly, and will, in fact, never thrive, you be strong. And when you're in labor for eighteen hours, sweating, panting, hurting, crying, and knowing that you're about to give birth to that baby that you grew inside you, that baby whose brain will never fully function properly, you be strong. And when your doctor puts that newborn baby in your hands and you hold for the first time, understanding that her life expectancy is limited, she will never know you, she will suffer seizures, have severe retinal disfunction, and is highly likely to die in your arms after choking to death. You be strong. Be strong as they sew up your cervix. Be strong when your breasts leak milk your baby is incapable if suckling. Be strong on your drive home from the hospital. Be strong when your family comes to see your baby and doesn't know how to comfort you. Be strong at the funeral, Senator, and when they're driving a tiny casket holding your child to the cemetery, and when they lower her into the ground. Be strong when you're emptying out her beautiful bedroom, the one your spouse surprised you with when you came home from your baby shower at your best friend's house. Be strong when you're discarding her tiny bed, her stuffed animals, her clothes, her half empty box of diapers. And Senator, you be strong when your spouse asks you to forgo the birth control because he wants to try for another baby, and you're too terrified to ever get pregnant, again.
Oh, yeah, you're a male. Never mind. You don't have to be that strong.
In response to Senator Rubio's statements regarding abortions and Zika:
Rubio: No abortions for Zika-infected women
08/06/16 03:54 PM EDT
Sen. Marco Rubio said Saturday that he doesn’t believe a pregnant woman infected with the Zika virus should have the right to an abortion — even if she had reason to believe the child would be born with severe microcephaly.
"I understand a lot of people disagree with my view – but I believe that all human life is worthy of protection of our laws. And when you present it in the context of Zika or any prenatal condition, it’s a difficult question and a hard one," Rubio told POLITICO
Read more:
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Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Why I Will NOT Be Voting for Hillary Clinton in November
Ya know what really pisses me off? After the 2016 primary season, nine days before Philly, the FBI finally wraps up its investigation regarding Secretary Clinton's email scandal.
The Feds, in their tireless diligence, found that while HRC was Secretary of State, she recklessly exchanged "top secret classified" information on her unprotected, private email account, while on the clock in hostile territory. She was the goddamned Secretary of State! It was her job, as the President's top security advisor, to protect national security, and she knowingly used her non-dot-gov email account to converse with top level government employees, while in places like China and Russia.
No, I'm not paranoid. In fact, I'm rather comfortable with the relationships those countries have with the US. I am concerned, however, with Hillary's carelessness; and I am SUPER pissed that the voting public was not made aware of this highly inappropriate behavior PRIOR to primary season. Hillary Clinton will now be nominated as the Presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, MY party, instead of my chosen candidate, Senator Sanders, because people voted, uninformed.
Would Bernie be taking the stage next week to accept the Party's nomination had the voters, the People been informed of Secretary Clinton's lack of respect for the safety and security of the United States, during the most tenuous and scary time in our country since the Revolutionary war?
I am a lifelong Democratic. I am a liberal. I am a Democratic socialist. I love and practice that which my Party stands for, but I WILL NOT SUPPORT HILLARY CLINTON FOR POTUS AFTER HEARING THE FINDINGS FROM THE FBI DIRECTOR!
I am keenly aware that she will not be prosecuted, however, she put the the safety of this country in jeopardy, which is completely antithetical of her job as top security official of the United States.
Since Nevada is not a write-in candidate state, I will be voting for none of the above, and if my vote puts that shithead, Donald Trump in the Oval, I'll be blaming the Feds, for not wrapping up this investigation by February!
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Why socialism is necessary
Regarding socialism:
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
Democratic socialists believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically—to meet public needs, not to make profits for a few. To achieve a more just society, many structures of our government and economy must be radically transformed through greater economic and social democracy so that ordinary Americans can participate in the many decisions that affect our lives.
Democracy and socialism go hand in hand. All over the world, wherever the idea of democracy has taken root, the vision of socialism has taken root as well—everywhere but in the United States. Because of this, many false ideas about socialism have developed in the US.
My father is a narcissist (Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of ultraconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.).
My mother, who committed suicide when I was nine, was a bold and outspoken woman.
I witnessed, first hand, the effect each of them had on the other. In his inferiority, he attempted to outshine her. When he could not, he attempted to control her, belittle her, diminish her exuberant personality, as she, and her honesty and willingness to stand up to him, terrified him and easily bruised his fragile ego. When he attempted to make her feel less superior, she got in his face, she spoke her mind, she told his secrets to his family, which she was closer to than he was. She went shopping on Michigan Avenue, spending his money, she took every chance she could get to prove him the liar that he was, by being the perfect hostess at Holiday dinners, quite often thrown by her, preparing every food item from scratch, setting a table Martha Stewart would admire, and entertaining his family with grace and fun. One would think he would appreciate that, be proud, but no, he felt even more intimidated by her. He took away her money, her car, her freedom, and told her she was incapable of leaving him and supporting me. He told her if she left him and took me, he would never give her a dime, and that she would fail miserably. This drove her to drink and abuse barbiturates, which led to severe depression and her subsequent suicide. He was then able to tell his family that he was right about her all along. I was there, I saw what he did and why. I know the truth, and that makes me a threat to his illusion, and, therefore, he has perpetrated the same abuse upon me, as he did her.
He beat me with a paddle fashioned with holes for greater impact, he busted my nose three times, I still cannot breathe properly, he threw a scrub brush at my face with full force, busting and scarring my upper lip. He kicked me in the stomach so hard, that my body went flying over the back patio, causing me to land on a tree stump, causing injury to my back that recently showed up on my MRI, making my spine look like a crushed pencil, with loose shavings all around it. I wake with pain every day, and am forced to take pain medicine I detest, just to get out of bed. He always instilled in me, that if I loved him more, he would be reciprocal, however, he never loved me, causing considerable damage to me, socially. He put me in a children's home because he didn't want me, then told my family it was because I had behavioral problems. There is no history in any of my past or records that I had behavioral problems. That was a lie. I thrived at the home, while away from him.
At 50 years old, I still suffer the physical subsequence of his abuse. I have been diagnosed with PTSD, yet have never been in an abusive relationship since I stood up to him at 16 and left his house, of my own volition. I have never been involved in drugs, nor do I have a criminal record. I can't work. I want to make money, but I'm so fucked up from what he did to me and my mother, that I require mental health medicine, pain medicine and weekly therapy.
I live in a $90,000 condo, rent and utility free, as I am in a state program run by the state mental health office. I receive $300 a month from them for personal needs. I receive $200 a month in food stamps. I receive full medicade to treat all the problems that exist because of my father's abuse. For the first time in my life, I can breathe. I am safe. I am learning how to be social and have positive relationships. I'm leaning how to trust. I'm leaning all the things my father failed to teach me.
He did this, and most of my family knows this, because they saw it. I ran to my uncle Earnie's house, three doors down, bleeding, I ran to my uncle Frank's house when I left home, my aunt Lois, Marie, and Sue know from my mother, what he did to us, my aunt Judy, aunt Era, and aunt Billie begged him to let me live with them. Every one of their children know exactly what happened to me. No lies. No secrets.
I believe in socialism because I live it. I need it. I was abused beyond just growing out of it. I didn't ask for this, but when I asked for help, the state of Nevada and the government stepped up, to fix what HE did. Blame him, not me, for living off your government. Be narrow minded, and judge me, harshly, but you were there, you saw what he did.
When capitalists blame people for being lazy and living off the government, start placing the blame where it belongs, goddammit, on those that did this to us, not us. We don't want this any more than you do. Blame those that put us here for taking your money, not the victim who is working their ass off to become a survivor!
Sunday, June 5, 2016
"Wherever I Go"
I know I could lie but I’m telling the truth
Wherever I go there’s a shadow of you
I know I could try looking for something new
But wherever I go, I'll be looking for you
Some people lie but they're looking for magic
Others are quietly going insane
I feel alive when I’m close to the madness
No easy love could ever make me feel the same
I know I could lie, but I won't lie to you
Wherever I go, you're the ghost in the room
I don't even try looking for something new
Cause wherever I go, I'll be looking for you
Some people try but they can't find the magic
Others get down on their knees and they pray
I come alive when I’m close to the madness
No easy love could ever make me feel the same
Make me feel the same
Make me feel the same, same, same
I know I could lie but I’m telling the truth
Wherever I go there’s a shadow of you
I know I could try looking for something new
But wherever I go, I'll be looking for you
Wherever I go, I'll be looking for you, you
Some people pray to their God for some magic
Cause no easy love could ever make them feel the same
No easy love could ever make me feel the same
Make me feel the same, same, same
I know I could lie but I’m telling the truth
Wherever I go there’s a shadow of you
I know I could try looking for something new
But wherever I go, I'll be looking for you
You think it's a lie when I'm telling the truth
Wherever I go, I'll be looking for you
Wherever I go, I'll be looking for you
Looking for you, looking for you, ah
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Friday, January 29, 2016
Brain Scans and the Antisocial Spectrum
Does autism alter the white matter of the brain? via
Does autism alter the brain, or is an altered brain the cause of autism?
Autism is a social disorder and falls within the spectrum of antisocial personality disorder.
Brain scans performed on inmates in the penal system have indicated differences in the frontal lobes of men diagnosed with antisocial personalities, as opposed to those who were not diagnosed with the disorder.
In an attempt to understand APD, should we not scan the brains of all people who fall within in the spectrum? Perhaps APD is, on some level, organic; treatment indicating medication, as cognitive behavioral therapy seems to have failed miserably up until now, may be the answer.
Aledgedly, one quarter of the the human population suffers from sociopathy; doesn't it behoove the medical community to investigate this option?
Studies indicate that behavioral therapy fails because sociopaths apparently utilize their tools and behavior to fool the therapist into believing they are completely fine in regards to personality, and in many cases these people never seek treatment in the first place.
I am excited to see research making strides in regards to autism, and I hope that because of the brain changes, that autism might be treated medicinally, however, I would really like to see everyone on the antisocial spectrum receive the same advocacy. It seems that presently, sociopathy is one, highly misunderstood, and two, stigmatized in popular culture. These people are our children, our spouses, our friends. If sociopathy can be treated with medication that influences the frontal lobe, we might actually make major strides, perhaps, in the treatment of everyone on the spectrum.
-Deannalynn Arzola
Sunday, January 17, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016
A primal cry
Born in the soul
Tears blind me
From the words before me
Your words
Your words-
Death to some,
They are my life
Repetitively read
To elicit the joy
That they yield
My eyes burn
As does my soul
Screaming gratitude
To the gods
For the only thing
I prayed of them
Oh, my love,
Thou doest provide
In the midst
Of the greatest storm,
You, my love,
Are my anchor
Your words are my breath
Your presence
My spirit
By virtue of you,
I am me
Perpetually satiated
By the communion
Of us.
By Deannalynn Arzola
For my beloved Shadow