Wednesday, December 31, 2014

An Excerpt from
“The Unnameable”
-by Samuel Beckett           

Enormous prison, like a hundred thousand cathedrals. Never anything else any more, from this time forth. And in it, somewhere, perhaps -  riveted, tiny -  the prisoner. How can he be found?

How false this space is!  What falseness instantly, to want to draw that round you, to want to put a being there! A cell would be plenty.
If I gave up! If only I could give up! Before beginning, before beginning again! (What breathlessness! That's right, ejaculations! That helps you on, that puts off the fatal hour. No? The reverse? I don't know.) Start again, in this immensity, this obscurity: go through the motions of starting again  - you who can't stir, you who never started. (You the who?) (Go through the motions? What motions? You can't stir.)
You launch your voice, it dies away in the vault. (It calls that a vault -  perhaps it's the abyss: those are words). It speaks of a prison (I've no objection), vast enough for a whole people, for me alone (or waiting for me). I'll go there now, I'll try and go there now.
I can't stir.
I'm there already! I must be there already! Perhaps I'm not alone: perhaps a whole people is here, and the voice its voice, coming to me fitfully. We would have lived, been free a moment. Now we talk about it, each one to himself (each one out loud for himself). And we listen.  A whole people, talking and listening, all together!  That would ex .....
No, I'm alone  (perhaps the first, or perhaps the last):  talking alone, listening alone, alone alone. The others are gone, they have been stilled  (their voices stilled, their listening stilled, one by one, at each new-coming). Another will come?  I won't be the last? I'll be with the others (I'll be as gone) in the silence? (It won't be I, it's not I.)

I'm not there yet. I'll go there now,  I'll try and go there now.
No use trying. I wait for my turn:  my turn to go there, my turn to talk there, my turn to listen there, my turn to wait there for my turn to go, to be as gone. (It's unending, it will be unending.) Gone where? Where do you go from there? You must go somewhere else, wait somewhere else, for your turn to go again, and so on (a whole people, or I alone). And come back? And begin again? No: go on, go on again. It's a circuit, a long circuit.  I know it well. (I must know it well.)
It's a lie. I can't stir. I haven't stirred. (I launch the voice? I hear a voice.) There is nowhere but here.  There are not two places, there are not two prisons. It's my parlour (it's a parlour!), where I wait for nothing. I don't know where it is, I don't know what it's like,  that's no business of mine. I don't know if it's big, or if it's small, or if it's closed, if it's open. (That's right, reiterate: that helps you on.)  Open on what? There is nothing else, only it. Open on the void, open on the nothing. (I've no objection: those are words.) Open on the silence, looking out on the silence, straight out - why not? All this time on the brink of silence,  I knew it! On a rock, lashed to  a rock, in the midst of silence. Its great swell rears towards me, I'm streaming with it. (It's an image: those are words.) It's a body, it's not I -  I knew it wouldn't be I. I'm not outside, I'm inside, I'm in something, I'm shut up:  the silence is outside. Nothing but this voice and the silence all round. No need of walls? Yes, we must have walls: I need walls, good and thick. I need a prison (I was right), for me alone. I'll go there now, I'll put me in it.

I'm there already: I'll start looking for me now, I'm there somewhere. It won't be I - no matter, I'll say it's I.  Perhaps it will be I. Perhaps that's all they're waiting for (there they are again) to give me quittance.  Waiting for me to say I'm someone, to say I'm somewhere, to put me out, into the silence.
I see nothing.  It's because there is nothing. Or it's because I have no eyes. Or both. (That makes three possibilities, to choose from.) But do I really see nothing? It's not the moment to tell a lie.  But how can you not tell a lie? What an idea!
A voice like this, who can check it?  It tries everything. It's blind, it seeks me blindly, in the dark. It seeks a mouth, to enter into. Who can query it? There is no other. You'd need a head? you'd need things? I don't know. I look too often as if I knew.  It's the voice does that:  it goes all knowing, to make me think I know, to make me think it's mine.
It has no interest in eyes. It says I have none, or that they are no use to me. Then it speaks of tears. Then it speaks of gleams.  It is truly at a loss. Gleams? Yes:  far or near. (Distances: you know, measurements.  Enough said?)  Gleams, as at dawn. Then dying, as at evening.  Or flaring up - they do that too:  blaze up more dazzling than snow, for a second (that's short!), then fizzle out.
That's true enough?  If you like: one forgets, I forget. I say I see nothing,  or I say it's all in my head (as if I felt a head on me!).  That's all hypotheses, lies. These gleams too: they were to save me, they were to devour me. That came to nothing. I see nothing (either because of this or else on account of that). And these images at which they watered me, like a camel, before the desert? I don't know. More lies, just for the fun of it? (Fun! What fun we've had!  What fun of it!) All lies? (That's soon said -  you must say soon, it's the regulations.)
The place. I'll make it all the same. I'll make it in my head, I'll draw it out of my memory, I'll gather it all about me. (I'll make myself a head, I'll make myself a memory.) I have only to listen: the voice will tell me everything (tell it to me again), everything I need - in dribs and drabs, breathless.

It's like a confession, a last confession. You think it's finished, then it starts off again: there were so many sins, the memory is so bad. The words don't come, the words fail, the breath fails.
No, it's something else.  It's an indictment, a dying voice accusing. (Accusing me: you must accuse someone, a culprit is indispensable.) It speaks of my sins, it speaks of my head. It says it's mine, it says that I repent, that I want to be punished, better than I am, that I want to go, give myself up (a victim is essential). I have only to listen. It will show me my hiding-place:  what it's like, where the door is (if there's a door), and whereabouts I am  in it. And what lies between us, how the land lies, what kind of country  (whether it's sea, or whether it's mountain). And the way to take, so that I may go, make my escape, give myself up, come to the place where the axe falls (without further ceremony) on all who come from here. (I'm not the first, I won't be the first.) It will best me in the end (it has bested better than me). It will tell me what to do, in order to rise, move, act like a body endowed with despair. (That's how I reason, that's how I hear myself reasoning.)
All lies: it's not me they're calling, not me they're talking about. It's not yet my turn, it's someone else's turn. That's why I can't stir, that's why I don't feel a body on me. I'm  not suffering enough to be able to stir, to have a body (complete with head, to be able to understand), to have eyes to light the way. I merely hear, without understanding, without being able to profit by it (by what I hear). To do what? To rise and go and be done with hearing.

I don't hear everything, that must be it, the important things escape me: it's not my turn. (The topographical and anatomical information in particular is lost on me.) No, I hear everything  (what difference does it make?), the moment  it's not my turn: my turn to understand, my turn to live, my turn of the life-screw (it calls that living!), the space of the way from here to the door. It's all there, in what I hear, somewhere -  if all has been said, all this long time. All must have been said. But it's not my turn to know what:  to know what I am, where I am, and what I should do to stop being it, to stop being there (that's coherent), so as to be another (no? the same? I don't know), depart into life, travel the road, find the door, find the axe (perhaps it's a cord) for the neck, for the throat, for the cords.  (Or fingers:  I'll have eyes, I'll see fingers.) It will be the silence.  (Perhaps it's a drop:  find the door, open the door, drop.  Into the silence.)
It won't be I. I'll stay here - or there (more likely there). It will never be I, that's all I know. It's been done already, said and said again:  the departure, the body that rises, the way (in colour), the arrival, the door that opens, closes again. It was never I. I've never stirred, I've listened.
I must have spoken?
Why deny it? Why not admit it, after all? (I deny nothing, I admit nothing.) I say what I hear? I hear what I say? I don't know. One or the other. Or both. (That makes three possibilities:  pick your fancy.)
All these stories about travellers, these stories about paralytics: all are mine. I must be extremely old (or it's memory playing tricks). If only I knew if I've lived, if I live, if I'll live - that would simplify everything! Impossible to find out, that's where you're buggered. I haven't stirred, that's all I know. (No, I know something else: it's not I - I always forget that.) I resume (you must resume):  never stirred from here, never stopped telling stories, to myself (hardly hearing them, hearing something else, listening for something else), wondering now and then where I got them from. Was I in the land of the living? Were they in mine? And where? Where do I store them? (In my head? I don't feel a head on me.) And what do I tell them with? With my mouth? (Same remark.) And what do I hear them with?
And so on, the old rigmarole. It can't be I. Or it's because I pay no heed:  it's such an old habit, I do it without heeding. Or as if I were somewhere else.
There I am far again, there I am absentee again: it's his turn now, he who neither speaks nor listens, who has neither body nor soul. It's something else he has:  he must have something, he must be somewhere. He is made of silence (there's a pretty analysis), he's in the silence. He's the one to be sought, the one to be, the one to be spoken of, the one to speak. But he can't speak: then I could stop, I'd be he, I'd be the silence, I'd be back in the silence, we'd be reunited, his story the story to be told.
But he has no story, he hasn't been in story? It's not certain:  he's in his own story, unimaginable, unspeakable. That doesn't matter: the attempt must be made, in the old stories incomprehensibly mine, to find his.  It must be there somewhere. It must have been mine, before being his. I'll recognize it, in the end I'll recognize it:  the story of the silence that he never left, that I should never have left, that I may never find again, that I may find again. Then it will be he, it will be I, it will be the place: the silence, the end, the beginning, the beginning again - how can I say it? That's all words, they're all I have - and not many of them: the words fail, the voice fails. So be it. I know that well. It will be the silence, full of murmurs, distant cries.  The usual silence, spent listening, spent waiting, waiting for the voice.
The cries abate, like all cries.  (That is to say they stop.) The murmurs cease, they give up. The voice begins again (it begins trying again). Quick now before there is none left, no voice left, nothing left but the core of murmurs, distant cries: quick now and try again, with the words that remain. Try what? (I don't know, I've forgotten, it doesn't matter, I never knew.) To have them carry me into my story, the words that remain?  (My old story, which I've forgotten, far from here.) Through the noise, through the door. Perhaps I'm at the door! (That would surprise me.) Perhaps it's I! Perhaps somewhere or other it was I! I can depart! All this time I've journeyed without knowing it: it's I now at the door. (What door? What's a door doing here?)

It's the last words, the true last.  Or it's the murmurs: the  murmurs are coming, I know that well. No, not even that. You talk of murmurs, distant cries, as long as you can talk. You talk of them before and you talk of them after. More lies: it will be the silence (the one that doesn't last) spent listening, spent waiting (for it to be broken, for the voice to break it). Perhaps there's no other, I don't know. It's not worth having, that's all I know. (It's not I, that's all I know.) It's not mine. It's the only one I ever had? That's a lie: I must have had the other, the one that lasts - but it didn't last. (I don't understand.) That is to say it did: it still lasts. I'm still in it. I left myself behind in it. I'm waiting for me there. (No, there you don't wait, you don't listen.)
I don't know: perhaps it's a dream, all a dream. (That would surprise me.) I'll wake, in the silence, and never sleep again. (It will be I?) Or dream (dream again), dream of a silence,  a dream silence, full of murmurs (I don't know, that's all words),  never wake (all words, there's nothing else).

You must go on, that's all I know.
They're going to stop, I know that well:  I can feel it.  They're going to abandon me. It will be the silence, for a moment (a good few moments). Or it will be mine? The lasting one, that didn't last, that still lasts?  It will be I?
You must go on.
I can't go on.
You must go on.
I'll go on. You must say words, as long as there are any - until they find me, until they say me. (Strange pain, strange sin!) You must go on. Perhaps it's done already. Perhaps they have said me already. Perhaps they have carried me to the threshold of my story, before the door that opens on my story. (That would surprise me, if it opens.)
It will be I? It will be the silence, where I am? I don't know, I'll never know: in the silence you don't know.
You must go on.
I can't go on.
I'll go on.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

I Get a Kick Outta You

-Ella Fitzgerald

My story is much too sad to be told,
But practically ev'rything leaves me totally cold.
The only exception I know is the case
Where I'm out on a quiet spree
Fighting vainly the old ennui
And I suddenly turn and see
Your fabulous face.

I get no kick from champagne.
Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all,
So tell me why should it be true
That I get a kick out of you?

Some get a kick from cocaine.
I'm sure that if I took even one sniff
That would bore me terrific'ly too,
But I get a kick out of you.

(X 2)
I get a kick ev'rytime I see
You're standing there before me.
I get a kick though it's clear to me
You obviously don't adore me.

I get no kick in a plane.
Flying too high with some guy in the sky
Is my idea of nothing to do,
Yet I get a kick out of you.

*Like Shakespeare, tragic love stories are told through the ages.
You are my addiction, Darling...

So, today I did a tarot reading that is very specific to the people I am reading for, choosing the Queen of Cups and the Page of Cups, as they represent myself and my Shadow, respectively. The question is based on what the cards say about us.
I have learned so much about myself from knowing him, and I have learned allot about him, too. I felt as I was reading for us that we are in a good place. The most important thing regarding our relationship, specifically, is understanding. Mine of who he is and his that he is comfortable with that understanding. Not always easy for him, I still have always believed that knowledge is power and it subsequently would strengthen our bond. We are at the precipice of that acceptance and that is the most enlightening, comforting and magical felling in the world.
Here is our reading for December 28, 2014:

  1. General Atmosphere: 5 Wands (R)-What appears to be conflict is actually mutually beneficial, as we will learn more about ourselves and each other. Patience and intuition are called for.
  2. Opposing Forces: 6 Cups- Nostalgia in regards to childhood. Talking about the future and dreams are called for.
  3. Foundation of What Lead to Now: Ace Wands- Rising to levels of understanding. Expression is called for.
  4. Distant Past (our past lives, together): 4 Pentacles- Fear, leading to holding on too tight, to the point of unhealthiness. Overcoming fear of loss is called for.
  5. Wish: Knight Cups- Good news in matters of the heart. Expect a stronger bond. Putting our wishes out in the Universe is called for. This is the ultimate wish card.
  6. Future: Knight Pentacles- "Take care of the little things and the rest will take care of it's self." Responsibility, practicality and hard work are called for.
  7. Fears: 9 Swords (R)- (quoting, here:)- "You could come up against someone who is practiced at telling people what they want to hear." LOL!!! This is why I love him. Who wouldn't want someone in their life that tells them what they want to hear. Keeping worry in perspective is called for.
  8. Environment: 5 Pentacles (R)- Moving into a period of feeling safer. More pleasing. Trust the happiness. Enjoying the moment is called for.
  9. Hopes: 4 Wands (R)- That the relationship is becoming more committed. Expect unexpected good fortune. Share it. Positive self discovery is called for.
  10. The Outcome: 9 Cups (Actual Wish Card in the deck)- That which we are wishing for will come true. Quickly, as well. Visualization will enrich our lives. Dream big and take the steps to make those dreams come true. This relationship will deepen. This card is a very good omen. (Again, quoting) Good things to come. Positive affirmation is called for.  
* This reading clearly speaks of our lives, past, present and future. Moving forward from our childhoods, towards the understanding of one another, which leads to a deeper bond, which is exactly what I have prayed for and worked for, and I can see him doing the same. 
When two people, who are so magically connected, and have lived very similar pasts, and have studied this practice for years meet, it's kind of a miracle. 
A relationship like that is worth working one's ass off to maintain. Whatever the baggage brought to the relationship should be helped to carry, and whatever is inside of that baggage is what made that person standing in front of who they are and by the way, isn't that the person you love?
I only wish that my Shadow and I will continue to work on the understanding of the needs of one another, and that we will always be here for each other, practicing that understanding and strengthening our bond.

*With the swiftness of a greyhound and the fleetness of light, as I wish, so mote it be. Blessed be...


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dedicated to my Beloved:

I'll Work For Your Love
Words and Music by Bruce Springsteen

Pour me a drink Theresa
In one of those glasses you dust off
And I'll watch the bones in your back
Like the stations of the cross

'Round your hair the sun lifts a halo
At your lips a crown of thorns
Whatever other deals goin' down
To this one I'm sworn

I'll work for your love, dear
I'll work for your love
What others may want for free
I'll work for your love

The dust of civilizations
And loves sweet remains
Slip off of your fingers
And come driftin' down like rain

The pages of Revelation
Lie open in your empty eyes of blue
I watch you slip that comb through your hair and this I promise you

I'll work for your love, dear
I'll work for your love
What others may want for free
I'll work for your love

Your tears, they fill the rosary
At your feet, my temple of bones
Here in this perdition we go on and on

Now our city of peace has crumbled
Our book of faith's been tossed
And I'm just out here searchin'
For my own piece of the cross

The late afternoon sun fills the room
With the mist of the garden before the fall I watch your hands smooth the front of your blouse and seven drops of blood fall

I'll work for your love, dear
I'll work for your love
What others may want for free
I'll work for your...
What others may want for free
I'll work for your...
What others may want for free
I'll work for your love

words and music
by Bruce Springsteen

I got a coin in my palm
I can make it disappear
I got a card up my sleeve
Name it and I'll pull it out your ear
I got a rabbit in my hat
If you wanna come and see
This is what will be
This is what will be

I got shackles on my wrists
Soon I'll slip 'em and be gone (slip 'em and be gone)
Chain me in a box in your river
And I'll rise singin' this song
Trust none of what you hear (trust none of what you hear)
And less of what you see
This is what will be (this is what will be)
This is what will be


(I'll cut you in half)

I got a shiny saw blade (a shiny saw blade)
All I need's a volunteer
I'll cut you in half
While you're smilin' ear to ear
And the freedom that you sought's
Driftin' like a ghost amongst the trees
This is what will be
This is what will be (this is what will be)

Now there's a fire down below
But it's coming up here
So leave everything you know
Carry only what you fear
On the road the sun is sinkin' low
There's bodies hangin' in the trees
This is what will be (this is what will be)
This is what will be

Friday, December 26, 2014

"... It must've been some kind of kiss. I should've walked away. I should've walked away. I should've walked away. Is there any just cause for feeling like this? On the surface, I'm a name on a list. I try to be discreet, but then I blow it, again. I'm lost and found, it's my final mistake. He's lovin' by proxy, no give and all take 'cause I've been thrilled to fantasy one too many times..."

-from "Faber Drive" by Cutting Crew
                                                        "The Blower's Daughter"
                                                                  -by Damien Rice
And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her sky

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off of you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off of you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...
'Til I find somebody new

*We'll both forget the breeze, most of the time
*the shorter story, no love no glory
*I can't take my mind off of you
*and so it is...

my soulmate

Thursday, December 25, 2014

"Love Is"
-by DeAnnalynn Arzola

Love is that excitement preceded by the heist.
To lack it feels like darkness, to need it like enslavement.
To devour your words is satiation, sans them, starvation.
Being lost in you, is being found, and black is white,
And day is night.

*A poem for my beloved.
Merry Christmas, Five...

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

2015 Yearly Horoscope for Capricorn



There is a huge plot change for you this year, Capricorn. Your ruling planet, Saturn has been navigating the dark and fixed waters of Scorpio for the past two plus years, teaching you everything there is to know about deep feelings, letting go and resourcefulness. You've been putting a tremendous amount of energy into your career and life goals and committing to the long haul. This has served your career well. The only downside is that you've been a bit all work and no play, dear. You're so ready for a serious break and more you-time in 2015. Saturn will now spend the next few years in your sector of sleep, escapism and retreat. Cultivate as much time in your daily schedule for soul time, zoning out and tuning into your dreams as possible. This summer, Saturn will dip back into your house of goals and social networking between June and September. Use this time to finalize any loose ends or revamp any of your bigger schemes that still feel clunky. This year brings the final of seven Pluto-Uranus squares in March. You've been on a crash course of growth, evolution and power for the past few years. Actually, this intense metamorphosis began in 2008 when Pluto first entered your sign. You have until 2024 to go for the final transformation, but this could be one of the most pivotal of all in terms of a huge growth surge. You're truly stepping into your power and determination to build work and relationships that last. Integrity is where it's at, as always.

You'll have the continued power and presence of the North Node of Fate at the top of your chart pushing you hard to achieve more worldly goals. This influence started last year in your career zone and will continue throughout all of 2015. This makes you a bit obsessive about taking your status to the next level. It feels fated. This April, there is a total lunar eclipse occurring at the top of your horoscope. This will totally catapult your career to crazy new heights. Expect to be ridiculously busy and popular (even more so than last year). In order to balance all of this ambition and success, you're going to be in need of serious downtime. Make a plan to slow down this summer if not sooner. It's time to give back to yourself for all that you give, Capricorn.

Jupiter will continue to bless your house of resourcefulness until August, so expect generous support from friends, benefactors and people who just want to help and support your empire. There's nothing wrong with an abundance of gifts, just be sure to show your gratitude to keep it flowing. You're also tapping into your own depths and learning how to transform any archaic fears and insecurities into your greatest strengths. The first half of the year is excellent for research and introspection. Give yourself plenty of private time to go deep. You're preparing for some major breakthroughs during the latter part of 2015. When Jupiter changes signs in August, you'll be ready to expand your horizons in a major way -- perhaps even internationally. Loads of long-distance travel is definitely in your future from late summer and well into 2016.
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The full Moon arrives in your relationship zone right at the start of the year on January 4. This first week will highlight love themes from 2014 that are culminating and perhaps ending now. Relationships are still a huge theme this year, Capricorn. It's all about balance and the never-ending give and take. You tend to be the caretaker and forget the importance in giving back to yourself. This year, you're learning how important it is to take equal if not more time to replenish your own heart. You're also more aware than ever how necessary it is to make quality time for your relationships. Ambition has to take a backseat to your love life in order to regain the lost balance from 2014. Making your romantic realm the priority will actually sustain every other area of your life, because it will fill you up.

The total lunar eclipse in April puts the focus on partnerships. Peace, harmony and compromise are the continued lessons in love. You're a born diplomat at heart, so you may be teaching others in your life how to get along with more peace and sweetness and less conflict. You've been a bit obsessed around relationship themes, patterns and for several years now, but this is the time you may actually and finally get the clarity you have so desperately been wanting. Mars and Venus will have a sexy collision at the base of your horoscope this April, so you can look forward to a sassy little springtime renewal. Venus, the planet of love and beauty goes retrograde in the sign of romance this August, Expect old lovers to come crawling out of the woodwork when you least expect it, Capricorn. This transit will take place in your house of sexuality and intimacy, so should bring a heightened sense of drama to your love life. If you're tempted to go back to an old flame, make sure this isn't just a nostalgic fancy that will shift again when Venus comes out of retrograde at the end of summer. It's probably just a little summertime reminiscence of romantic days gone by. Enjoy, but best not to remain attached. You're totally ready for the higher love in 2015.


Your career continues to be stellar and clipping along at crazy speed. You're forever ambitious but you're definitely in an especially potent success groove in 2015, Capricorn. The North Node moved into your career zone last year and continues to bring fated opportunities to keep your status elevated and moving forward to even greater heights. There is a total lunar eclipse occurring at the top of your chart in April. This is the most prominent professional surge of the year. Expect your eyes to be blasted wide open to epiphanies this spring. You're being shown the perfect way to balance home and career in a way that radically alter your life for the next 19 to 20 years.

Saturn, your ruling planet will spend the first half of the year taking you into more of a research mode, Capricorn. Better to reflect than do. When Saturn goes direct on August 2, you'll feel like you're able to turn some of your more elaborate and expansive dreams into gold. Your imagination continues to be your best asset this year, so don't underestimate the power of drifting and fantasizing. It's, in fact, not a waste of time. You need regular intervals to unplug and tap into your creative force in order to prepare for a new and more glamorous cycle with your work. Your resourcefulness is your second best asset this year, with Jupiter bringing heaps of wisdom and creativity. Give yourself plenty of time for private time and research because that is often where you will reap the greatest inspiration. This could mean you're less social than you have been in the past few years, but it's just a phase and it will totally pay off, Capricorn. It's worth embracing your inner introvert in order to access your inner world of infinite possibility and ideas.

The real expansion phase begins late this summer when Jupiter moves into sister Earth sign, Virgo and emphasizes your travel zone. August kicks off a year of wanderlust and the need for foreign travel. Adventure is calling and you should have plenty of opportunities to expand your horizons. This is all preparation for your best and luckiest career phase in late 2016. You are cultivating global experience to enrich your world of inspiration and understanding. In other words, the more travel, the better in late 2015. Your career will greatly benefit as a result, so there is no need for guilt over the extravagance. Jet set your way to success!