For that which you want from me, enjoy about me, I say best wishes in your endeavors, because it would appear to me that she is finished with you, and you had the chance to move forward towards me. That chance is lost on her and her marionette gig she has you tethered to.
I'm not going through this with you. I am above her on several levels, so to find myself empty in your ability to tell me to fuck off because she, again, is controlling you for her own enjoyment is ridiculous. We all see clearly what she is doing to you. I will not suffer in that sub-sequence.
The bottom line is that I want and deserve to be the one who is jumped for. The bottom line is that you do that for someone else and I am the one to suffer for it. The bottom line is what you can and can't get past. I can't get past suffering for something that has absolutely nothing to do with me.
Yeah, that's the bottom line.
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