Friday, December 19, 2014

Tarot Reading, December 19, 2014:
Significator: King of Wands
(this reading is not for me, it’s for you, Doc)
Read by Deannalynn Arzola

  1. (general atmosphere of question) 6 pent reversed:If you are in a committed relationship that is not seeming to be going well, try giving more, instead of expecting more to be given to you.
  2. (opposing forces) k  pent:If you're currently involved with someone, the relationship may very well move into a more comfortable place, (metaphorically speaking) but if you are dissatisfied, you'll need to say so for things to change. Don't expect your beloved to read your mind.
  3. (foundation) 9 pent rev:The reversed 9 says that if you are looking for love/want to be successful in your love relationships, that you can't expect this to "just happen." Action and intention on your part is necessary. Be willing to talk, and really listen, to your beloved and/or to prospective partners. Remember love does not "complete you," your job is to complete yourself.
  4. (influences passing away) 2 swords rev:The reversed 2 of Swords says that this is a time to be cautious and deliberate when it comes to love relationships. You may be tempted to push to "move things forward," but this is not the time.
  5. (possible future influences) 6 wands rev:When this card appears with regard to a committed relationship, you may find yourself feeling fear about the relationship. If so, examine it alone first. What are you afraid of? Are there specific things that your partner has said or done which has contributed to this fear? Everyone needs reassurance sometimes.
  6. (definite future influences) 7 wands rev: In a committed relationship, the 7 of Wands reversed can indicate that one or both of you is being indecisive about something. This is usually because of one of two things: either the fear is too intense to move forward, or the time is simply not right. Something can be done about the former, generally speaking.
  7. (negative feelings/fears) page pent rev:You may find yourself with a wandering eye when this card appears, even if you are in a solid, happy, committed relationship. Think about how to best handle this. Realize that if you are dishonest with your partner, you may well lose them completely.
  8. (opinions and influences of family and friends) 8 pent:If you are currently committed, your workload or that of your partner may be interfering with the relationship. Make a point to make time and space for the relationship regardless of your jobs, otherwise things will suffer.
  9. (hopes and fears) knight wands rev:You may be 100% convinced that you are right and your partner is wrong about something when the reversed 9 of Wands appears in the context of love. That may indeed be the case, but you are not going to force your partner to see your point of view through anger and coercion. Try a gentle approach, and find out what underlies your partner's point of view or actions.
  10. (outcome) 5 cups: A love relationship you are in may have just ended or may be about to start the process of ending. You must realize that "all is not lost." You are probably not yet ready to move into a new relationship. Give yourself some time and space…then get back out there. There will come a day when you realize that the reason this relationship ended was to get you to the place you "really want to be," which is in a relationship that really works for you, and works well.  

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