Well, it's that time of year again...
Everything we equate with astrology, such as the sun and and various other planetary alignments, are entering that phase of the Zodiac where they all seem to conjunct Scorpio. This time, however, there's an interesting little fact attached to my addiction, er...Scorpio's placement. Currently, he is in Saturn, which rules Capricorn and that's me. And this is how Scorpio effects my life on sooo many levels.
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac. Eight has always been my number, since the day I was born, in fact (January 8). My husband's birthday is also the eighth, I was married on the 16th, which if you divide by two, which it takes to make a marriage work, you get eight. My grandmother and my grandson were both born on the 17th, and yes, of November. One plus seven...I wont even expound on the number of eights I have had in prior addresses, with the exception of the last address I had, that one was 11 8. I used to observe it from the curb as my dog, George, was playing in the field behind me. I would think, "Eleven...November...Eight...hm..."As I was about to get up from the curb one day, I turned around to find a truck tire in my face. The brand on the tire was, of course, "Scorpion". That's when it dawned on me that this man I had known for a couple months and felt such a strong connection to was, in fact, another Scorpio and I figured his birthday was November 8. Close, it's the tenth. Then, I thought, "Oh, yeah, his month, MY DAY!!!" Yeah, out of 365 days in a year, I was only off on his birthday by two.
Saturn entered Scorpio on October 5, 2012, and she finally turned direct on July 8, 2013, my husband's birthday. When your ruling planet is the sun sign you most readily relate to, you can recognize a Scorpio from a mile away. Now, this is not something I have always known I was capable of, but I have always known that I am immediately attracted to them. The only woman I ever kissed...is a Scorpio. The only man I ever wanted to cheat on my husband with is a Scorpio. I've dated a few of them over the years. I have found that these people, especially the ones born in November, are the kind of people your parents meant when they used to say, "Deanna, if your friend decided to jump off a cliff, would you follow?" Um, yes, mother, if they are a Scorpio. Another fascinating fact is that at present, Pluto, Scorpio's ruling planet in passing through Capricorn until 2024. The Saturn- Pluto theme becomes more pronounced with the mutual reception (Saturn in Scorpio ruled by Pluto and Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn) which will carry through 2013.Here's the gist, with me and my Scorpio:
Since 2008, Scorpio's ruler has been in my sign///Since 2012, Capricorn's ruler has been in his!!!
I have tried, desperately over the years to reconcile this incredible affinity I have for Scorpios. I don't really have allot of Scorpio in my chart, however, my Neptune is in Scorpio and Neptune is the planet of illusion, which if you ask me is just another word for magic, and inspiration. It is the planet of dreams and Scorpios, to me are sooo dreamy. So, maybe that explains it. Scorpio can also be found in my fourth house, the house of home, family, roots, and deep emotions/sense of self-worth. As if Scorpios weren't deeply emotional in the first place. Because my emotionality is ruled by Scorpio, I can relate easily to their depth, which I have learned is practically the most important characteristic their people must possess. "If you can't appreciate how deep my love and commitment run, I am sorry, but I just cannot let you in."
On the date and time I was born, Pluto was trine the sun. Think of the holy trinity, or the magical properties of the number three in every religion. A trine is a harmonious aspect. The sun was in harmony with Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, at the time, on the date and in the place of my birth. Neptune, my only Scorpio placement was sextile Pluto. In other words, my only Scorpionic planetary placement was within 60 degrees of it's own ruling planet. I was born with the empirical understanding of the Scorpio mind, which is dark and surreptitious and my beloved, a quintessential Scorpio is absolutely freaked out by this. He knows how easy it is for me to see exactly who he his so when he's trying to hide something from me, even if he's doing it for my own good, he cannot look me in the eyes.
So, here's what's going on, presently, so as to drive me completely crazy:

Pluto is currently moving through Capricorn
Tomorrow morning, Mercury goes retrograde in Scorpio
The sun moves into Scorpio on Wednesday, also when daylight savings time ends
On November 3, a solar eclipse occurs in Scorpio (A Solar Eclipse!!!)
Venus enters Capricorn on November 6
True Node is in Scorpio the entire month of November (The true node, also known as the north node, is your karmic direction in this lifetime. Like a lighthouse, it points the way towards your destiny. When you reach for your dragon’s head, the universe supports you in fulfilling your soul’s purpose). With north node in Scorpio, south is in Taurus. I can always expect the antithesis of my Scorpio adventures from the Taurus thing...What's curious about my love of Scorpios is that their opposite sign is Taurus, a lot of hate there. Not too many Tauri I have ever liked. Always an exception to the rule, I love two, my Scorpio friend Maggie's daughter, Abby and my friend Katie. My north node in my birth chart is in Gemini, which is why my best girl friends are always Geminis and I can relate to them so well.
And how many birthdays am I celebrating in November? Adrian, Ingrid, Alan, Gramma, Joshua, Maggie, Mark. My first love, who passed away a year ago has a birthday on my favorite day of the year: Halloween.

The more I get to know my Scorpios, the more I love them. With most people, the more you know, the faster you run, in the other direction. In the beginning, hell, even the duration of the relationship, they will enlighten you to their madness that, no matter your age, wisdom, or experience, will simply blow your mind. They are a learning experience all the time. I remember my Grandmother, (November 17) told me, many times, "Deanna, your body will wither and die. It will cause you great pain and it will not cooperate with you when you ask it do the things it has always done before. Your mind, however, will listen to you and exercising it will make you stronger and smarter. Never stop learning. Learn something new everyday." She was my beloved Scorpio, my first, in fact, and she taught me something new as long as I knew her. About a year before she died, she told me all her secrets. I have had the great privilege of learning how to learn about a Scorpio from a Scorpio, which, by the way, is the greatest gift of all, because if you love someone, you want to learn everything about them so as to benefit the relationship. Scorpios try to be all secretive and all, but, really, they want you to know what makes them tick, because when you get them, they are happy. My best friend, Adrian, (November 2) gave me this gift. I fell in love with this man from moment one. Oh my God, though, he was an enigma. We loved each other right from the start. This is something I have experienced with all of my Scorpios. It's one of those strange dichotomies where you have to work your way backwards from the result that all other relationships subsequently lead to. LOVE... With a Scorpio, all you have left is to try to figure them out. With them, that is the end result. With them the love comes first. When Adrian made the decision to let me in, he told me all about his Scorpionic tendencies. Dead on. From the outsider's perspective, I was like, wow, this guy has himself down to a tee!!! I am very, very thankful for that gift because when I met MY SCORPIO, trust me, I needed that information. I will spend my last breath on Adrian, thanking him for the vision I am privy to when it comes to Scorpios. Adrian is the reason I know what I know about my Scorpio and why he has done every single thing he has done in regards to me. From where I stand, today, there are only two options:
1) I hate you, you son-of-a-bitch. You broke my heart. I bared my soul to you and you shit all over that information...sociopath!!!
2) "You are amazing." I love you so much for doing everything in your power, which I know has been as hard for you as it has been for me, to protect my heart and my sanity. Because I know you, and because I know you know how well I know you, I am able to reconcile what everyone else perceives as madness, as love.
Seeing my Scorpio everyday and knowing that he knows exactly who I am, how I feel and what I have been able to accomplish in spite of the fact that due to a preexsisting engagement, if you will, we cannot be what we are capable of, is what makes me live. I am happy. I am keenly aware of what is up with us. I am sure that his knowledge of my understanding is something that only makes him love me more. And I am sure that he will continue to surprise me with his unwavering advocacy, and that serves only to make me love him more, as well.
Some might say I am addicted, and perhaps I am, but he is not the only one I love, and in my experience with addiction, you either give it up or die. With a Scorpio, you give it up, you will die. They are worth the pain, the secrecy, the work. The rewards are exponential, and there is not anyone on earth that will ever change my mind!!!

Happy Birthday, my Darlings...
-Deannalynn Arzola
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