-the effect, result, or outcome of something occurring earlier
-an act or instance of following something as an effect, result, or outcome.
-the conclusion reached by a line of reasoning; inference.
Consequence...hmm, this is what I ponder; who's place is it in one's life to render the result of the consequence. If there is effect, there will be outcome. At some point, a line of reasoning will be reached, the perceived unfavorable act inferred. It is truly in the act of discovering the importance and significance of the perceived misdeed, where the seeds of punishment are planted.
So, again, I ask, "Who renders the punishment?"
Do we, as humans feel the need to punish our loved ones in our adult lives, a bad habit, perhaps brought to the table as a childhood hold-over.
For me, it's not punishment. Perhaps, indeed punishment may be achieved but that is simply due to the suffering of loss of what we have, want to have or have had.
This is not punishment, this is consequence. The consequence is the result.
Living in the moment must be correlated with a lack of the ability to foresee consequence. While I am not of the logical set, I do follow Newton's theory, as I believe this is the only logic in the magic, and it is truly Karmic; for every action, there is a reaction. It seems to me that the same people who are unaware of consequence are the ones who fly by the seat of their pants, living life moment by moment.
I find it hard to share my own consequences with someone who may not even understand the definition, which I listed first, so as to be sure myself I was ready to let the consequences of my own actions wash over me.
My actions have been all over the place these past few months and whatever consequence those actions have led to, a portion is filling me up now. But before I expound the non-virtues of committing acts that serve no good consequence for me anyway, let's extol the virtues of said good consequence.
How about all the good things we do in our everyday lives. Certainly, those acts would lead to reward, ie: good consequence. Anti-punishment. I mean, in theory, doesn't all action result in outcome. There are many positive aspects in the act of kindness. It is inherently good for the soul, and when doing so, I would wish it was good for all parties involves. Of course, acts of kindness should never carry with them the anticipation of reward, as we do so, in most cases in an effort to benefit the people we are performing the act for. With that act, or any act for that matter, there is consequence.
In my observation of people over the past few months, I have learned that the people who fail to recognize consequence do so in both aspects of the result. One can perform acts of kindness on this person without result. This is the same person failing to recognize the inevitable consequence of their own actions. I am perplexed by those who fail to understand that every action produces a result, be it positive or negative.
Flying by the seat of your pants can be quite exhilarating. After raising my daughter and releasing myself from the contract of marriage, I boarded a Greyhound bus with little more than hope and excitement. This is my time, a little respite from that which tethers us perpetually to the life we have lived up to now. I continue to live adventurously, however, I know where to draw the line. When my life is changing, which it always is, I carry inside me, along with the excitement, a little bit of fear. I wonder, with bated breath, what is on the other side of the door. Surely I feel this way because I am concerned with the consequence of the action I have taken to propel the change. Consequence is apparently very big for me. It has been pointed out that I may be relating cause and effect to Karma. Perhaps this is true, but I am still terribly perplexed. It has been said by men far wiser than me that perhaps the lack of fear of consequence has more to do with the enjoyment of the ride. In this instance, we are to believe people choose to act as they do, uncaring or unafraid of the result. When I think about the aforementioned rewards from said acts of kindness and seeing in the person for whom they are performed a lack of appreciation, perhaps it is me who is enjoying the ride and that the consequences of my actions do not outweigh the negative consequences.
So here I was thinking that other people live in a shadow where no consequence exists. I had come to the false conclusion that living life in this manner was reckless and produces a plethora of negative experiences as a result of doing so. As I do a little soul searching, quite literally if I may say so, myself, I find that this is something I do everyday. Some of the consequences have been so off the charts amazing that I find myself reminiscing often about them, and some have found me under the covers, crying and shaking. Either way, I have certainly been guilty of appreciating the consequences and performing the act, anyway.
Perhaps we are all simply making quiet decisions in our minds, decisions represent the results of our actions, being keenly aware, and just not caring. Perhaps this is true when the recipient of the positive acts we perform in nonreactive in response. I had been thinking they were unable to respond, however, maybe they are just choosing not to, not caring that about the consequence that THAT act produces. A choice made by all.
In any event, again, the master has taught his subject. I deduce that consequence is always hiding in the shadows, for all of us. We simply choose to react differently. So I will continue to choose to perpetuate the consequences of my choices, be they good or bad, and live my life in the knowledge that those around me are doing the same.
-by DeAnnalynn Arzola
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